Category: Business

United Way of Northern Arizona — A Crowning Achievement — UWNA Grant Helps Launch New Shelter Service

When COVID-19 made congregant shelter living a dangerous option for those experiencing homelessness, Flagstaff Shelter Services (FSS) stepped up by renting hotel rooms for their most immunocompromised clients. It was a successful – if expensive – way to continue to serve the homeless at the height of the pandemic.

It also led to an innovative idea: tap into funds available through the American Rescue Plan Act to acquire a hotel and rehab the units into emergency housing. With the support of the Arizona Department of Housing, FSS purchased a Route 66 hotel that years ago was the The Crown Motel and more recently operated as a Howard Johnsons.

Other groups helped support the launch of the new site, including the Forest Highlands Foundation and the Arizona Diamondback. A grant from United Way of Northern Arizona allowed FSS to hire a full-time manager for the new shelter complex, which is being renamed The Crown in a nod to the building’s history.

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up: June 20-24, 2022

Grand Canyon Star Party 2022 underway for 2022

The 32nd annual Grand Canyon Star Party is currently underway and is being held through Saturday, June 25, on both South and North rims. National parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some of the last remaining dark skies in the United States. This is the first onsite event since 2019.

The event is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (South Rim), and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix (North Rim), with funding from Grand Canyon Conservancy and in partnership with the International Dark-Sky Association.

Amateur astronomers from across the country are volunteering their telescopes and expertise for the enjoyment of park visitors. Numerous telescopes offer views of planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, as well as double stars, star clusters, nebulae, distant galaxies—and the Moon, earlier in the week. By day, keep an eye out for solar telescopes pointed at the sun. Weather permitting, expect spectacular views of the universe!

For additional information on the Grand Canyon Star Party visit, or contact Rader Lane at 928-638-7641.

Burned Area Emergency Response team assessing Pipeline Fire damage

A Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team has started surveying the fire-affected areas located within the Pipeline Fire perimeter.

BAER team assessments are rapid evaluations of post-fire conditions of the burned landscape. These assessments determine the level of risk from potential flooding and debris flow, and calculate how these risks will affect both human safety and the natural and cultural resources in the area.

The team, led by Forest Service Soil Scientist Eric Schroder, began conducting field surveys yesterday. In addition to field surveys, BAER teams use science-based models to rapidly evaluate and assess the burned area.

City of Flagstaff requests arguments for and against proposed election questions

Prior to the Nov. 8, 2022 election, each household with a registered voter will receive an informational pamphlet that includes arguments for and against proposed questions that have a local impact. Any person interested in submitting an argument is required to do so before 5p.m., Arizona time on Aug. 10, 2022.

The questions are as follows:

Grand Canyon implements Tuweep pilot day-use reservation system

Grand Canyon National Park will implement a new pilot advance day-use ticket reservation system for the Tuweep Visitor Use Area, July 21, 2022. Park staff are managing for significant and steadily increasing visitation at Tuweep since 1995, along with limited park staffing in the area, ongoing vehicle safety, and natural and cultural resource concerns.

There will be two types of reservations available. One ticket will be for private vehicles and the other will be for authorized Tuweep tour Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) permit holders. The day-use reservation system will apply to the Tuweep area of Grand Canyon National Park, including all park areas within Toroweap Valley and on the Kanab Plateau. It excludes the North and South rim developed areas and overlooks.

Notice of Flood Control District Public Outreach Meeting on June 23

On Thursday June 23, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., the Coconino County Flood Control District will hold a virtual meeting to present important information to the communities of Timberline, Wupatki Trails, Fernwood, and Doney Park regarding flood threat, risk, and mitigation efforts as a result of the Pipeline, Tunnel, and Schultz Fires.

This outreach meeting will be held via webinar using Zoom video conferencing software, members of the community are encouraged to participate via the following url: or toll-free via telephone: (833) 548 0282, Webinar ID: 870 7215 3234.

Sedona Arts Center — The Big Workshop Email

View this email in your browser Painting For All Levels with Gretchen Lopez June 24, 2022 Friday, June 24, 2022 | 10:00 am – 4:30 pm (Arizona Time) From the beginning to the experienced student, this one-day class in oil…

Creative Flagstaff — ArtWalk Call for Entries – Deadline Approaching!

Creative Flagstaff invites organizations and artists to submit a proposal for an art/science/culture performance or exhibition for First Friday Artwalk programming in Heritage Square to take place in one of the following months: September, October, or November of 2022. Three proposals will be selected, one each for September, October, November, and and with compensation of $1,500. Don’t wait – the deadline for submissions is June 24, 2022! 

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Stage 3 Fire Restrictions in place

For County park and natural areas, the following restrictions apply: 
• The following County amenities are closed: Trails, Disc Golf Course, Archery Range, and Bike Park.
• No camping is allowed outside of campground area.
• All campfires are prohibited.
• Charcoal/wood or liquid fuels grills are prohibited.
• Liquid fuels and/or liquid petroleum gas fire rings are prohibited.
• Smoking is prohibited outdoors.
• No vehicle parking and/or driving on grassy, forested, and unimproved/undeveloped areas.
• Chainsaws and other small, motorized equipment are prohibited by park users.
• Previously scheduled events to be approved by Department at least one week prior to the event.

Reminder: Mayoral Candidate Forum this Wed. 6/22 @ 6:30 pm

Mayoral Candidate Forum:  This Wednesday 6:30-8:00 pm

Join Friends of Flagstaff’s Future as we hear from the three candidates running for Flagstaff mayor (incumbent Paul Deasy, and challengers Becky Daggett and Daniel Williamson). The Forum will be at the Lone Tree Campus of Coconino Community College on June 22.

At 6:30 pm, join us as attendees mix with the candidates and learn more about local nonprofit organizations who will have tables at the venue. The Forum will start at 7:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm.

City of Flagstaff Truth in Taxation Hearing on June 28 – Notice of Tax Increase

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held virtually via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm.  People can join the meeting by link or phone listed below. 

Link: or call Dial 833 548 0282 (Toll Free), Webinar ID: 852 6192 3910.

Coconino County Flood Control District mobilizing flood mitigation effort

As Coconino County residents begin to return to their homes in the aftermath of the Pipeline and Haywire fires, the County’s Flood Control District would like to make the entire community aware of the potential risk of flooding, and the steps the public can take to mitigate their property and be Flood Aware.

Residents may already be familiar with the 3 Step “Ready, Set, Go” wildfire system of preparedness and evacuation. For the risk of flooding, a similar, easy-to-remember system of “Ready, Set, Shelter” is helpful to prepare for and respond to flood events:

City of Flagstaff hosts community volunteer day on June 25 in areas impacted by Museum Fire flooding

The City of Flagstaff is hosting a community volunteer day in areas downstream of the Museum Fire burn scar on Saturday, June 25. Volunteers will be assisting residents who are elderly or have a disability repair their emergency sandbag mitigation.To request volunteer assistance, please call 928-213-2102 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Resources are limited, and crews will address as many properties as time and resources allow.

Volunteers should meet at the Coconino County Health and Human Services building, located at 2625 N. King St. The event will take place from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. There will be no afternoon shift during this event. Volunteers are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes, pants, and sun protection, and to bring a refillable water bottle, a face covering for dust, and work gloves if available.

Evacuation Orders Lifted for Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos & Other Areas

he Coconino County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce the following areas will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status.

The areas identified as Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos, the Private Properties along Hwy 89 north from Wupatki Trails to Sacred Mountain Trading Post will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status. It is important to note that much of the National Forest Land in that area remains closed due to the Coconino National Forest Emergency Fire Closure Order.

In addition, the following areas will be downgraded from “SET” to “READY” status: East Alpine Ranchos and Hwy 89 north from Sacred Mountain Trading Post/Medicine Valley.

Coconino County enters into Stage 3 Fire Restrictions

Coconino County entered Stage 3 Fire Restrictions at 3 p.m. Friday, June 17, 2022. The restrictions apply for all of Coconino County.

Fire restrictions are enacted to help protect public health and safety by reducing the number of human-caused wildfires.

This ordinance applies to unincorporated areas, namely that part of Coconino County outside the corporate limits of any municipality, federally owned land, or any federally recognized tribe in accordance with 25 Code of Federal Regulations part 83.

Stage 3 Fire Restrictions prohibit any combustion, open fire, charcoal, propane, and campfires in unincorporated areas and residences in the County.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: June 13-17, 2022

Grand Canyon Star Party 2022

The 32nd annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 18, 2022, through Saturday, June 25, 2022, on both South and North rims of Grand Canyon National Park. National parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some of the last remaining dark skies in the United States. This is the first onsite event since 2019.

The event is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (South Rim), and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix (North Rim), with funding from Grand Canyon Conservancy and in partnership with the International Dark-Sky Association.

Amateur astronomers from across the country will volunteer their telescopes and expertise for the enjoyment of park visitors. Numerous telescopes will offer views of planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, as well as double stars, star clusters, nebulae, distant galaxies—and the Moon, earlier in the week. By day, keep an eye out for solar telescopes pointed at the sun. Weather permitting, expect spectacular views of the universe!

For additional information on the Grand Canyon Star Party visit, or contact Rader Lane at 928-638-7641.

Flagstaff hosts community volunteer day on June 18 in areas impacted by Museum Fire flooding

The City of Flagstaff is hosting a community volunteer day in areas downstream of the Museum Fire burn scar on Saturday, June 18. Volunteers will be assisting residents who are elderly or have a disability repair their emergency sandbag mitigation. To request volunteer assistance, please call 928-213-2102 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Resources are limited, and crews will address as many properties as time and resources allow.

Don’t miss what’s next: CCC Summer Programs

Open Water Swimming with Mitch Driebe

TODAY, Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 4:00pm

This lecture is now online only via Zoom webinar

Imagine swimming from Alcatraz to the shores of San Francisco. Think you can do it? If you do… well, maybe you should tune into this lecture first. Learn about the elements of open water swimming and hear stories from Mitch’s experience.

Learn more and register here

Residents in Schultz Creek Watershed and the Rio de Flag floodplain are encouraged to immediately purchase and maintain flood insurance

Preliminary flood hazard modeling of areas impacted by the Pipeline Fire indicates an increased risk of flooding for some neighborhoods within Flagstaff City limits. Specifically, residents whose homes are in the neighborhoods of Creighton Estates, Forest Hills, Cheshire, Coyote Springs, Anasazi Ridge, Coconino Estates, Ridge Crest, North End, Downtown Flagstaff or Southside and whose homes are located within a FEMA Zone A, AE, AH, or shaded X should immediately purchase or maintain flood insurance. Homeowners insurance policies do not cover flood damage and coverage must be purchased separately.

A map of Flagstaff neighborhoods is available at A map of FEMA floodplain designations by address is available at

‘READY, SET, GO’ Status Changes for Elden Lookout Road, Doney Park South, and Alpine Ranchos East

After meeting with the Great Basin Type 1 team managing the Pipeline and Haywire Fires, it has been determined that it is safe to downgrade some areas on evacuation status.

The following changes will be effective immediately:

Areas of Coconino and Kaibab national forests to close this weekend

oconino and Kaibab national forests will temporarily close certain areas to public access beginning Friday and Saturday due to fire danger and for public safety, while all other parts of the national forests outside of the closure areas remain in Stage 2 fire restrictions.

On the Kaibab National Forest, the area of Bill Williams Mountain will be closed beginning Friday, June 17 at 8 a.m. Specifically, public access will be prohibited on all National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the closure area, generally located between County Road (CR) 73, Old Route 66 in the City of Williams, Forest Road (FR) 122, FR 108, and I-40. This includes Benham Trail, Bixler Saddle Trail, Bill Williams Mountain Trail, Bill Williams Connector Trail, Buckskinner Trail, City of Williams Link Trail, Devil Dog Loop Trail, and Clover Spring Loop Trail. Forest Road 122 will also be closed. FR 108 will remain drivable; however, motorists cannot park off the road.

Creative Flagstaff — June Updates from Creative Flagstaff

Be part of ArtWalk this fall! 

Creative Flagstaff invites organizations and artists to submit a proposal for an art/science/culture performance or exhibition for First Friday Artwalk programming in Heritage Square to take place in one of the following months: September, October, or November of 2022. Three proposals will be selected, one each for September, October, November, and will be compensated $1,500. Don’t wait – the deadline for submissions is June 24, 2022! 

City of Flagstaff to enter Stage 3 Fire Restrictions

The City of Flagstaff will enter Stage 3 Fire Restrictions at 8 a.m. on Friday, June 17. 

Stage 3 Fire Restrictions include the following new restrictions:

The use of propane and gas BBQs (including those with an on-off switch) is prohibited in City parks, open spaces, and private campgrounds.
The use of propane and gas BBQs (including those with an on-off switch) are allowed at private residences EXCEPT during a Red Flag Warning.
Public access to sections of the Flagstaff Urban Trails System (FUTS) that provide an entrance into any closed area of the Coconino National Forest is prohibited.
In the event of a complete closure of the Coconino National Forest, public entry/use of Observatory Mesa and Picture Canyon City Open Space lands is prohibited.

Bilingual report — Coconino County Museum Flood Risk Advisory June 2022

There remains a very strong likelihood of hazardous flash flooding as a result of the Museum Fire. The hydrology consultant for the Coconino County Flood Control District (District) recently conducted a post-fire flood risk analysis that validated the original model used to gauge flood risk in the Museum Flood Area and determined that the area remains at high risk for hazardous flash flooding. It must be noted that floodwaters can create unpredictable changes, which can create new flood paths, which cannot be predicted.

Pipeline Fire at 22,888 acres, 31% containment | Haywire Fire at 5,065 acres, 0% containment

The Type 1 Great Basin Incident Management Team (IMT) 2 has arrived at the Pipeline and Haywire fires, and is shadowing the Type 2 California Interagency IMT 15. The Type 1 team will assume command of the incident 6 a.m. Thursday.

The Pipeline Fire is currently 22,888 acres with 31% containment and the Haywire Fire is estimated at 5,065 acres with no containment.

While critical fire weather continues due to dry conditions and high temperatures, lower wind speeds allowed aerial operations to resume and continue throughout the day.

Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system testing and protocol Siren testing scheduled for Friday, June 17 from noon to 2 p.m.

The Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system has been installed in the Grandview Homes and Sunnyside neighborhoods and full-volume testing has been scheduled for Friday, June 17 from 12 – 2 p.m. During the full-volume testing period, residents in the area will hear an alarm sound, followed by a voice message repeated three times in both English and Spanish, concluding with a wind down siren sound signifying the end of that message. This process may repeat several times during the testing period. Testing may be postponed in the event of rain or impacts from nearby wildfires.

It is important to note that the wind down siren sound does not signify the end of the threat of a flood event. To hear the siren sounds that will be used or to read more about the Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system, please visit

United Way of Northern Arizona — Once Again, Our Community Is Burning

For the past 12 years, the names have accumulated like a litany of destruction: Schultz. Slide. Tinder. Museum. Tunnel.

Now, less than two months after the last major wildfire left our mountains glowing red at night and our skies dark with smoke during the day, we have two more names to add to this sad list – Pipeline and Haywire.

The situation northeast of Flagstaff is still very fluid. The latest statistics from InciWeb (the US Forest Service site that tracks wildfires nationwide) indicate that 20,000 acres have burned in the Pipeline Fire with another 4,000 charred by Haywire.

Evacuation statuses have shifted back and forth as officials receive more information, but even those who were allowed to return to their homes Tuesday were warned to be ready to leave again at a moment’s notice. At this point, we know two structures have burned since Sunday.

Pipeline and Haywire Fires Update and Declaration of Emergency

The Pipeline Fire, located 6 miles north of Flagstaff, started Sunday, June 12, and has spread to over 5,000 acres due to extremely high winds.

Additionally, the Haywire Fire, located 8 miles northeast of Flagstaff, ignited in the early hours of Monday, June 13, and is currently at 1,600 acres in size. A U.S. Forest Service Type 2 Incident Management Team is currently on site for each fire. A Type 1 Incident Management Team has been ordered.

The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office has evacuated many communities in the fire area. Click here for the most current information on evacuation status: 0444387bf32792b9c25e169

Cinder Lake Landfill closed due to Pipeline Fire

Effective immediately, the City of Flagstaff Cinder Lake Landfill is closed due to the Pipeline Fire. The Hazardous Products Center at the landfill is also closed. Please avoid the area.

Refer to Coconino County’s Pipeline Fire website for up-to-date information:

United Way of Northern Arizona — A Change is Coming

A Message from Carol Dykes

It is with mixed emotions that I send you this message, because change – even when it’s welcome – often isn’t easy.

Earlier this week, I let the Board of Directors of United Way of Northern Arizona and the amazing staff of this organization know that I plan to retire by the end of this year.

The exact timing isn’t set – I plan to offer what assistance I can as the Board searches for my replacement, and will continue for however long is needed to ensure a smooth transition for my successor.

Even though it’s still several months off and even though I’m truly looking forward to the next chapter, I have to admit it’s hard to imagine my life after UWNA. I’ve been a proud member of this organization for 24 years. (I met my husband through a workplace campaign, for goodness sake.) It has been a profound pleasure to work alongside you as together we have improved community conditions, responded to emergencies, and made the future a brighter place for so many in Coconino, Navajo and Apache counties.

Allstate donates $10,000 to the Flagstaff Family Food Center and hosts three events throughout June

The Flagstaff Family Food Center, guided by its mission of “Neighbors Feeding Neighbors, Every Day,” distributed just under 8 million of pounds of food in 2021 at an average of 153,000 pounds of food a week.

The Allstate Foundation extends its Good Hands in support of the most extensive and wide-reaching emergency food assistance programming in Northern Arizona with a donation of $10,000 and three unique events throughout the month of June.

Neighborhood distribution of food boxes: June 10th, 1-4pm, CCC 4th street parking lot.

Dinner service: June 18th, 3:30-5:30pm, FFFC Kitchen; 1903 N 2nd St.

Food Drive: June 29th, 1-5pm, Cedar Safeway, 1500 E. Cedar Ave.

Arizona Dept. of Housing — Governor signs HB2610 paving way for more affordable housing

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey this week signed HB2610 into law removing the arbitrary cap on the size of affordable housing apartment communities constructed by non-profits wanting to qualify for a property tax exemption. The new law encourages more construction of larger affordable apartment communities across the state that rent solely to income-eligible tenants.

“We are committed to growing our state’s affordable housing inventory and this law helps by eliminating an unnecessary barrier to development,” said Arizona Department of Housing Director Tom Simplot. “By removing this burdensome regulation, non-profits can build larger affordable housing communities and still receive the tax break they need for these projects.”

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — June 6-10, 2022

Cultural Demonstration Program resumes in-person at Desert View 

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the Cultural Demonstration Program has resumed in person. The Cultural Demonstration program provides an opportunity for visitors and community members to interact with Tribal artisans from Grand Canyon’s Traditionally Associated Tribes – and for them to share their history and crafts, along with the skills, knowledge, and efforts involved in creating each craft. This series is made possible with grants from Grand Canyon Conservancy and ArtPlace America.

On Thursday June 9 and Friday, June 10, from 9 AM to 4 PM, Gerald Lomaventema, Hopi silversmith and Jerrel Singer, Diné painter, will be demonstrating their arts at the Desert View Visitor Center shade structure, just north of the main parking lot. For more information on the Cultural Demonstration Program, please visit the park’s website here. 

Below are the two demonstrators’ profiles: 

Gerald Lomaventema is a traditional Hopi silversmith. He is known for one-of-a-kind silver overlay masterpieces, with designs inspired by nature and Hopi culture. 

Jerrel Singer, a Diné Painter, originally from Tuba City, is an abstract landscape artist. His work captures the light, colors and shadows of the Diné Nation and the Desert Southwest. 

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Summer of Festivals

…Here’s just a small sample of the festivals and events coming up this month that will help bring visitors (and their dollars) to our region.

Flagstaff Blues & Brews (tomorrow and Saturday, June 11). In just a few short years, this event has grown to become the state’s largest blues festival. Two days of terrific music, plus local and regional microbrews, as well as wine and hard cider. Food vendors and arts and craft tents round out the event, returning this year to the grounds of Continental Country Club.
Made in the Shade Festival (Saturday, June 11) – Another popular festival that features music and scores of different brands of beer. Proceeds from this day-long festival at the Pepsi Amphitheater go towards helping Sun Sounds of Arizona provide reading and information access services to those with disabilities.
Pride in the Pines (Saturday, June 18) – For more than 20 years, Pride in the Pines has been a party with a purpose, a celebration of the LGBTQ2S community that promotes cultural diversity and human rights for all by fighting discrimination of any kind. This year’s headliners are Brita Filter from RuPaul’s Drag Race and Grammy-nominated Latin artist Gina Chavez.
Flagstaff Folk Festival (Saturday, June 18 & Sunday, June 19) – The Museum Club will showcase the best in folk and acoustic music with more than 70 acts on two stages.

CCC Community Education — Free Summer Lectures Coming Up – Register Now!

Storytelling – FREE
Monday June 13, 2022 at 2:30pm

Learn some easy tips and tricks for dynamic storytelling in this lecture with Larry Hendricks, a lifelong storyteller and professional writer! Participants will be encouraged to write and share their own stories.

Learn more and register here

Lecture held at CCC Fourth St Campus, Flagstaff.

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Stage 2 Fire Restrictions in place

Coconino County is in Stage 2 fire restrictions. For parks and natural areas managed by Coconino County, the following restrictions apply:
• No camping allowed outside of campground area.
• All campfires are prohibited.
• No charcoal/wood grills and liquid fuels and/or liquid petroleum gas fire rings.
• Smoking prohibited outdoors.
• No vehicle parking and/or driving on grassy, forested, and unimproved/undeveloped areas.
• Chainsaws and other small, motorized equipment are prohibited by park users.

Opportunity for community input on Thorpe Park Annex draft designs – Saturday June 11

The City of Flagstaff Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Events Division, Southwest Decision Resources, and Wheat Design Group invite the Flagstaff community to review and comment on three (3) draft design concepts for the future of the Thorpe Park Annex Parcel.  These three draft designs were developed based on key stakeholder interviews, robust online community survey results, and an on-site initial design session April 30th. 

Supporters for a Thriving CCC — Thank you for the support!

Thanks to all of you, the voters of Coconino County, Coconino Community College’s (CCC) Proposition 438 passed by a wide margin in the May 17th election! This means Coconino Community College will add critical programs and continue to provide training for our first responders, construction engineers, and service technicians. The increased funding also means more students will be served including veterans, IT professionals and teachers in Flagstaff, Williams, and Page to further CCC’s reach into our County. Your YES vote made the difference!

Coconino Chronicle (June 3, 2022)

Welcome to the Coconino Chronicle, keeping you informed on the latest news from Coconino County. Published monthly, typically on the first Friday, the Chronicle makes sure you are in-the-know about recent happenings, upcoming events and services available to you as a resident of the County.

Questions? Comments? Please email us at

Arizona sets record for affordable housing tax credit award dollars

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) this week announced it has awarded $30.1 million in federal 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to 16 affordable housing projects, including 7 in rural communities. The all-time record amount comes after a reengineered process of awarding tax credits and implementation of the new State Tax Credit program.

“This new process reduced the burdensome regulatory framework for allocating these highly-coveted tax credits and has led to increased developer interest in building affordable housing in Arizona,” said ADOH Director Tom Simplot. “The State Tax Credit program is fulfilling its goal to stimulate the construction of new affordable housing in our state.”

Free event at 6 p.m. June 1 at Sedona Arts Center

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
4–6pm at Sedona Arts Center
Music: Mother Road Trio
Food: Old Crow BBQ
Celebrate Sedona engages the local community while celebrating and featuring local and regional arts, food and drink! Held in the upper parking lot of Sedona Arts Center, Celebrate Sedona is a bi-monthly celebration of the beauty and diversity of our community’s music, food, drink, and artistry.

The event takes place from 4 pm – 6 pm on the first Wednesday of every other month featuring local musicians, food trucks, wineries, and live demonstrations by local artists

Theatrikos Reopens Concessions, Foreigner in AZ Daily Sun, summer theatre camps and other theatre news

Theatrikos Reopens Concessions and Opening Night Receptions June 2022 Membership Concessions Reopen With relaxed covid safety protocols, we’ve reopened concessions and we’re back to doing opening night receptions. During the pandemic, we did some upgrades, too. We removed the old library…

Voters approve tax reset for CCC

Coconino County voters have approved an increase in funding for Coconino Community College.

On Friday, during a special session, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors certified the May 17, 2022, election results for CCC’s request to increase the primary property tax levy to support the college.

“On behalf of Coconino Community College, I would like to thank the voters and the many community members who worked hard to help the ballot initiative be successful,” said CCC President Colleen A. Smith, Ph.D. “Because of them, we can continue our good work moving into a bright future serving students throughout Coconino County.”

The election saw 20,947 ballots cast, which was about 23 percent of the registered voters in Coconino County. Of the ballots cast, the vast majority were submitted by mail. About 64 percent voted in favor of the tax reset for the college.

Supervisor Jeronimo Vasquez District 2 Newsletter — 12th Edition

Sup. Vasquez volunteering at the Tunnel Fire recovery events hosted by United Way of Northern Arizona. Thank you to all that have spent time and energy to give back to the community during this difficult time.

In this edition…

Message from Jeronimo
Tunnel Fire
Event Highlights
Service Positions Open in District 2
Services and Programs
And more!

Coconino County enacts Stage Two Fire Restrictions

In coordination with our partners at the State and Federal partners, Coconino County will elevate to Stage 2 restrictions on Thursday, May 26th at 8:00AM. For more information about the most current restrictions please visit the following link.

Have questions about the “dos and don’ts” during fire restrictions? Like…does the County’s Wildfire Defense Ordnance apply to private property? (Sneak peek-YES! It applies to all property in unincorporated areas, not including federal, state, or tribal lands.)Learn more at…/ View/51210/FAQs-2022-04

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: May 23-27, 2022

Northern Arizona transitions to Stage 2 Fire Restrictions this Thursday, May 26

Due to increased fire danger, Grand Canyon National Park, as well as the Kaibab and Coconino National Forests will elevate to Stage 2 fire restrictions beginning at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 26. Under Stage 2 restrictions, building or maintaining an outdoor fire of any kind is prohibited as well as smoking.

Additionally, operating or using any internal combustion engine such as chainsaws, wood splitters, weed eaters, generators, welders, or any other devices that can cause a fire are prohibited. This prohibition does not include street legal vehicles. Exception for locals and contractors: Permits for work with these devices can be granted through the GRCA hot work permit process managed by GRCA Structure Fire. For more information and to submit a hot work permit, either see this attached flyer or fill out this online form.

More information on fire restrictions and fire danger ratings, please visit the park’s fire information page here.

Sedona Arts Center — SAVE THE DATE! plus workshops and more!

The Tailgate Paint Out is a first-of-its-kind, tailgate style event, focused on artists that have never been to one of our events in the past or are emerging artists. Artists and Observers will be participating together in the sublime environment and stunning beauty that is Sedona. Sedona Arts Center has roots going back 60+ years to the founding of Sedona, and what better way to experience it, than sharing it with your fellow community members. If you haven’t been to, or visited recently, this is a great opportunity to get to know it again.

City of Flagstaff announces Memorial Day closures

Flagstaff City Hall offices at 211 W. Aspen Ave. will be closed May 30, 2022, in honor of Memorial Day. City Hall offices will reopen May 31 from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

City of Flagstaff facilities that are also closed on Memorial Day include: 

Grand Canyon Implements Stage 2 Fire Restrictions May 26

U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service Grand Canyon National Park P.O Box 129 Grand Canyon, AZ 86023 Contact: Office of Communications 928-638-7779 For high resolution photos visit Grand Canyon’s Flickr Site. Grand Canyon News Release For Immediate Release May 25,…

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Remote Workers Meet Today (May 25) at 928NOW

Are you a free lancer, contractor, or corporate employee working remotely? You are cordially invited to the first meeting of 928NOW, open to any online worker who lives in Northern Arizona.

This networking event will take place TODAY from 4:30 pm – 6 pm at Mother Road Brewing (7 S. Mikes Pike St., Flagstaff).

This will be an opportunity to get to know other online workers and identify what this segment of our workforce needs to be successful. We look forward to seeing you!

DATE: Today, Wednesday, May 25

TIME: 4:30 to 6 pm

LOCATION: Mother Road Brewery

City of Flagstaff will enter Stage 2 fire restrictions on May 26

The City of Flagstaff will enter Stage 2 fire restrictions on Thursday, May 26.

The City of Flagstaff is currently in Stage 1.

The City of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state, and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

Congestion tips for visiting Grand Canyon National Park this Memorial Day weekend

Visitors to Grand Canyon National Park this Memorial Day weekend should expect long lines and full parking lots. Traffic regularly backs up at all entrance stations, with the longest wait times between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Parking lots, especially near the Grand Canyon Visitor Center, will reach capacity by 12 p.m. and shuttle bus lines will be long.

Visitors should follow these tips in preparing to visit the South Rim: