Bilingual report — NAU conducting survey on stress on Latina mothers. Also seeking Community Advisory Board members

FLAGSTAFF — Northern Arizona University is conducting a survey on stress on Latina mothers.

Complete a 30–40-minute survey and receive a $25 gift card

After completing the survey, you may be selected to join our Community Advisory Board!

Total Compensation up to $350

The community advisory board members will inform the development of a stress and coping program for Latina mothers*
*biological, adoptive, step-moms, non-traditional mothers included

Estimated time commitment to participate in the research study: -30–40-minute online surveys at the start and at the end of the 6 weeks -90-minute meetings once a week for 6 weeks

Day/time to be determined based on availability of participants
You will be paid separately for each part of the study (survey and meetings)


  1. Self-identify as Latina
  2. Mother of a child of any age
  3. Drank alcohol to cope with stress at least once withinthe last month
  4. Be a resident of Arizona


Dr.Tara Bautista, Ph.D.
| Department of Psych Sciences |
| Call or Text: 928-220-2522