AZ Cultural Connection announces it is still accepting artists for the ‘Immigration Papers: Literary and Artistic Representations of the Immigrant Experience’ event on Sept. 6

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Please join the opening celebration of our newest art exhibition:

Immigration Papers: Literary and Artistic Representations of the Immigrant Experience

September 6, 2024, 6-9pm

Free Entry | $10 suggested donation

AZ Culture Connection — We are still accepting artists! It can be visual, literary, or performing art created by people born outside of the United States. If you know an artist that would like to participate, contact us by email or phone. (928) 440-3561

¡Todavía hay cupo para artistas visuales, literarias o escénicas!

Si conoce un artista que nació fuera de los Estados Unidos, contáctenos por email o teléfono. (928) 440-3561