Author: Community Contributor

Coconino Community College’s Stellar Newsletter — The Comet — A quick word from the President and more news

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit families hard—emotionally and economically—locally and beyond.

Many hard-working people in Coconino County and across the nation are scraping by, sometimes with more than one job. Many others are out of work or working in jobs that aren’t making ends meet.

I am here to remind everyone we have a local resource that is ready to help—Coconino Community College. Community colleges are needed now more than ever, and we are here, proud to serve as your community college throughout Coconino County.

Statewide, your community colleges, including CCC, have been working tirelessly to gear up for providing fast, job-focused training for unemployed and underemployed residents of our wonderful state. In order for our residents to reskill and recover from the economic impact of the pandemic, CCC is responding quickly to new job trends that will help put people to work.

March Updates from the Flagstaff Arts Council — Art & Science Grant Opportunity and more news

The deadline for one of our Art & Science Grant programs, funded by the City of Flagstaff’s Bed Board and Beverage Tax, is approaching fast!

Just a friendly reminder, Flagstaff Arts Council’s non-profit grant opportunity for General Operating Support closes Wednesday 31, 2021 at 11 pm. For more information please download the grant guidelines here. 

Our Project Grant opportunity has changed dates. The Innovation & Capacity Project Grant opportunity for the funding period beginning January 1, 2022, and ending December 31, 2022 will be open for applications no later than August 2, 2021. The deadline for this grant application is August 31, 2021 at 11:30 pm. There will be a mandatory virtual workshop August 2, 2021 at 5:30 pm.

Sedona Arts Center — COVID Impact Survey for Artists & Creative Workers

Americans for the Arts has been tracking the human and financial impacts of COVID-19 since March 2020. As the pandemic continues, so does its devastation of the nation’s arts sector. This report presents the live and ongoing (“real-time”) findings of Americans for the Arts’ COVID Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers collected from December 2020 onwards.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — March 22-26, 2021 — Governor Doug Ducey Issues Executive Order Easing Some COVID-19 Restrictions

On Thursday, March 25, Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order easing some COVID restrictions across the state.
However, the order continues to encourage following CDC and Department of Labor Guidelines for masking, physical distancing, and hand washing. It also allows businesses and organizations that serve the public to mandate COVID mitigation measures.
Federal mask requirements are still in place in federal facilities and on public lands. Please visit the Grand Canyon Superintendent’s Compendium Summary for a list of locations where masking is required.
We will have more information about the order in next week’s edition of the wrap-up.

Gov. Ducey Removes Public Health Mandates on COVID

Governor has removed all mandatory mask requirements, capacity restrictions, and other mitigation efforts. Coconino County still requires these measures on County property and encourages their continued use everywhere.

Governor Doug Ducey (on March 25) announced several updates to the state’s COVID-19 measures, including events, businesses, and local ordinances.  

United Way of Northern Arizona — 4-H Blacksmith Program Forging Leaders

If we were to say “4-H” to you, you’d immediately think pigs and goats on display at the County Fair, right? Animal husbandry has always been a core part of the 4-H experience.

In recent years, however, the Coconino County Cooperative Extension, which runs our local 4-H clubs, has expanded their youth education programs to include robotics, cake decorating and, now, blacksmithing.

In spite of the closures brought by Covid-19, interest in the practical metallurgy class being offered by the group, called “Evolution of the Tool,” has exceeded all expectation.

Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council to Hold Community Food Drive

The Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) will conduct a drop-off Community Food Drive at a socially distanced alternative to its annual César E. Chávez celebration from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 27 at the Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños, 2532 E. 7th Ave., at the corner of 4th and 7th streets, Flagstaff.  

Community members are invited drop off donations as: peanut butter, canned vegetables, tuna, and other canned protein, pasta, cereal, and canned fruit. All donations go to the Flagstaff Family Food Center for distribution to the community. 

Supporting partners of the Community Food Drive include The Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños, and Radio Sunnyside, KSZN-LP 101.5 FM 

Willard Springs Transfer Station reopens Friday, April 2 for free green waste-only disposal

Coconino County will reopen the Willard Springs Transfer Station for the new season on Friday, April 2, for free green waste-only disposal to support residents’ efforts to clean up their properties before wildfire season.

As with last year, the station will not be accepting bulk waste due to COVID-19 cash handling and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local health authorities’ social distancing protocols.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Disinvestments in early education are hurting children and families

By AzECA, Arizona Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Expect More Arizona

Now a full year into the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, education at all levels has been impacted; in some ways, it’s forever changed. And the students who are most likely to face the longest-term effects are also the youngest.

In recently updated data, the Arizona Education Progress Meter showed a decline of 3% in Quality Early Learning over the past two years. Enrollment in quality early learning among Arizona 3- and 4-year-olds now stands at 19%, down from 22% two years ago. Arizona must take quick action to reverse this decrease and ensure all children have a strong start to their education, which is foundational to their future success and Arizona’s ability to meet the goals in the Education Progress Meter.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler — Yá’át’ééh! Coconino County Residents

Thank you for taking the time to scroll through another edition of our newsletter. Although many county offices are closed to the public, we are still working for you. I am still working for you. I am excited to continue my work with, and for, the residents of Coconino County District 5.

I am please to share this weekly e-blast with you to provide you with a weekly update on my efforts, the latest COVID-19 information, and share resources from other community partners resources. We are in this together.


9th Annual Teacher of the Year and the 4th Annual Rookie Teacher of the Year Nominations Open

After previously having cancelled, Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget, is pleased to announce the reinstatement of the 9th Annual Teacher of the Year and the 4th Annual Rookie Teacher of the Year Awards.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented multiple challenges for teachers and students over the last year.  We have witnessed the strength and ingenuity of Coconino County teachers through these difficult times and would like to acknowledge those who have been exceptionally outstanding in developing  inventive curriculum and strategies for supporting student learning during the 2020/2021 school year. 

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Save the Date for BioScience Roadmap Update

ECoNA will debut a video about our local bioscience sector at the annual Bioscience Roadmap hosted by the Flinn Foundation. This virtual meeting will be held from 12 to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14. To register for this free event, please click here.

In addition to updates from around the state, the event will feature keynote remarks from Thomas Osha, the board chair of the Global Institute on Innovation Districts. Osha is a global authority on leveraging research and technology into economic development.

The Literacy Center — Sunny Days on the Horizon…

Happy Spring!! As the weather warms, vaccines become available, and schools reopen, we have so much exciting news to share with you all!  Please read on for announcements regarding some staff changes, our reopening plan, and Arizona Gives Day.

Sedona Arts Center — New Workshops Just Added

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

CHAC presenting Community Food Drive at Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños

The Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) will present a drop-off Community Food Drive as a socially distant alternative to its annual César E. Chávez celebration from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 27 at the Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños, 2532 E. 7th Ave., at the corner of 4th and 7th streets, Flagstaff.

All donations go to the Flagstaff Family Food Center for distribution to the community.

Supporting partners include:

The Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños
Radio Sunnyside KSZN-LP 101.5 FM

Coconino County Expands Vaccine Eligibility to All Persons Aged 18 and Older

Coconino County is expanding COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to all persons aged 18 and older effective immediately. The county announced that over 2,870 vaccine appointments have opened for scheduling. County officials have also added an End-of-Day Extra Dose list for those wishing to be called if there are extra doses available at the Fort Tuthill Vaccination Site. Vaccine appointments in Coconino County remain limited to Coconino County residents only. 

NAU News — Take a look inside NAU’s mitigation testing site and the people who keep it running day to day and more news

Employees and nursing students staff the testing site at the Fieldhouse, answering questions, keeping the lines moving, ensuring public health rules are followed and offering a friendly face in NAU’s efforts to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: March 15-19, 2021

Grand Canyon National Park Key Messages – Week of March 15, 2021 COVID-19 Updates This week’s numbers at a glance: The average number of new cases per day in Arizona is 893, down from 1,345 on average per day last week.…

United Way of Northern Arizona — 24 Hours of Giving. A Lifetime of Impact

What a difference a day makes.

For our state’s nonprofits, including United Way of Northern Arizona, 24 hours can have a huge impact on the programs we provide and the partners we support.

That’s why we are so proud to be participating in this year’s Arizona Gives Day on Tuesday, April 6. During the past nine years, this event has raised more than $23 million for Arizona nonprofits, including a record $6.1 million last year.

It’s a special day that unites supporters of big and small nonprofits to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving.

You don’t have to wait until April 6 to participate, however.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Bilingual report — Attention Parents! We are looking for volunteers for virtual conversation on March 23

We are looking for volunteers for a virtual conversation.

WHO: Parents of school-age children

WHAT: A small group conversation about opportunities and challenges in education

WHEN: Tuesday, March 23 6 to 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: This will be a virtual conversation. participation will require access to wi-fi and a device that can connect to ZOOM.

Coconino County Superior Court Congratulates Bryon Matsuda on Retirement

Coconino County Superior Court, through Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Ted Reed, announced the retirement of long-time Director of Juvenile Court Services, Bryon Matsuda, on April 30, 2021. Matsuda served a dedicated career over 47 years to improve the lives of youth and families involved in the juvenile justice system. 

“Our County is better today because of the legacy that Bryon Matsuda leaves us. He brought a visionary approach to juvenile justice.  His moral compass has always pressed him—and therefore the department—to do better and be better for the youth and families we serve. His leadership will be missed, but it will never be forgotten in Coconino County,” commented Judge Ted Reed.

Sedona Arts Center — Updated dates for online learning

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

Bilingual report — Coconino County Moves to Phase 1c; Includes 35 and Older in Vaccine Eligibility

Coconino County, is expanding vaccinations to include Phase 1c individuals and those aged 35 and older effective immediately. There are vaccine appointments available immediately.

“Coconino County is pleased with the positive demand for vaccines from our community. We encourage all persons eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Please help us battle the pandemic by encouraging your family and friends to schedule their vaccine appointment.” said Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) Director Kim Musselman. 

Coconino County Applauds the Confirmation of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland

Coconino County applauded the Senate’s action to confirm Rep. Deb Haaland as the first Native American to serve as the Secretary of the Interior. Coconino County has significant interaction with the Interior Department in all corners of the County including the National Park Service, the Bureaus of Land Management, Reclamation, Indian Affairs, and Education and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

“We are overjoyed to have a Native American at the helm of the Interior Department, especially with Coconino County’s diverse population and landscape. The Interior Department has a significant footprint here in our County and every decision they make – from the WAVE on the Utah border to the Grand Canyon – impacts us all. We look forward to working with Secretary Haaland to move forward for greater funding and protection of our public lands and assets,” commented Vice-Chair Lena Fowler. 

Coconino County Relocates Human Resources Offices as part of Facility Consolidation Plan

Coconino County has completed the move of its Human Resources Department to the County Administration Building as part of a multi-layered series of facility consolidation efforts to save the County on leased space costs. The Human Resources Department is now located on the 3rd floor of the County Administration Building at 219 E Cherry Ave in Flagstaff.

“COVID-19 has demonstrated the ability for the County to reimagine how we use space, what part of our workforce needs to be in the office and explore hybrid work options that save taxpayers lease costs while promoting productivity in our dedicated team. The series of facility changes that we are engaged in will optimize County-owned space and eliminate much of our leased space,” said County Manager James Jayne.

City of Flagstaff Seeking Deputy Library Director

The City of Flagstaff is seeking a Deputy Library Director.

The position actively supports and upholds the City’s stated mission and values. Under direct supervision of the Library Director, employees of this classification are independently responsible for overseeing departments of the Library, including responsible administrative, professional, managerial and supervisory work. This position assists in directing the activities of the entire library section and serves in the absence of the Director.

Arizona Board of Regents approves appointment of Dr. José Luis Cruz as president of Northern Arizona University

The Arizona Board of Regents (on March 10) voted to approve the appointment of Dr. José Luis Cruz as the 17th president of Northern Arizona University. With its vote, ABOR has authorized the board chair to execute a multiple-year contract with Dr. Cruz.

The move follows an extensive national search and the recent announcement of Dr. Cruz’s selection as finalist for the position. Dr. Cruz will begin his term on June 14, 2021.

“On behalf of the board, I am pleased to officially welcome and congratulate Northern Arizona University’s 17th President – Dr. José Luis Cruz,” said ABOR Chair Larry E. Penley. “Dr. Cruz has an outstanding record as a proven academic leader and innovator. His understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing higher education – coupled with an unmatched commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students – will be invaluable assets to NAU and the state. We are grateful to have Dr. Cruz’s leadership and vision at the helm of NAU, and look forward to working with him as he works to help write the next chapter of this great university.” 

Register Today for the Summer Semester at Coconino Community College

Registration is now open for the summer semester at CCC.
In-person summer classes have returned, along with regular online and Zoom instruction.

Social-distancing, face-covering and sanitizing measures will still be in effect for the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.

Monday, June 7, 2021
Summer instruction begins at CCC.

Student/workforce housing at CCC in Page taking shape

Coconino Community College alum Jessica Dodson was the first generation in her family to attend college. 

Living on the Navajo Nation, with no electricity or running water, she had to be creative in doing her homework, and the drive to the college in Page was long.

“It was difficult,” Dodson said. “But I focused on, ‘I’m doing it for myself.’”

If there had been student housing at CCC in Page when she was a student, her journey might have been easier. She’s certain it would help the educational journeys of students with experiences similar to hers. 

Applicants sought from Coconino County for multiple Governing Board Seats for Appointment

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget is seeking applicants for appointment to three school districts which include: 

Coconino Association for Vocations, Industry, and Technology (CAVIAT) Fredonia (1 seat),  
Fredonia-Moccasin USD #6 (1 seat), 
Maine Consolidated USD #10 (2 seats)
Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment.   Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district.

CCC healthcare programs in Page get boost from SRP

A Certified Nursing Assistant student needs important books and tools like a stethoscope and a blood-pressure kit.

An Emergency Medical Technician student needs vital CPR training as well as books and tools.

Thanks to a generous grant from SRP, Coconino Community College CNA and EMT students in Page will get that needed help. SRP awarded CCC $16,000 to help the students purchase books, training, tools, immunizations and more.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — March 8-12, 2021 — March is Women’s History Month

This week’s numbers at a glance:

The average number of new cases per day in Arizona is 1,345, similar to the number of 1,187 on average per day last week.
As of Thursday, the total number of cases in the 86023 zip code since the pandemic began is 193. This number represents cases both inside and outside the park.
There are no new reported cases in the park this week and one existing active case.
Since the pandemic began, we’ve had 44 total positive COVID-19 cases in the park. To date, and as reported, none of the positive cases resulted from interaction with park visitors.
More detailed statistics are available on the Coconino County COVID-19 Dashboard.

Marie B. Acothley appointed to the N.A.T.I.V.E. Governing Board

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget has announced the appointment of Marie B. Acothley as a Governing Board representative for the Northeast Arizona Technological Institute of Vocational Education (N.A.T.I.V.E.)

Acothley was appointed March 9, 2021 and her term will end on Dec. 31, 2022. 

CCC students receive more COVID relief funds

Students attending Coconino Community College for the spring semester will receive a new round of federal COVID relief funds to help them with the cost of college.

On Dec. 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief and Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) was passed into law. CCC will be awarding at least $552,365 in financial aid grants to students. The awards will likely range from $100 to $500 depending on the number of applicants. 

UACJ Whitehall selects Flagstaff for new auto parts plant

UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries, a leading supplier of precision extruded aluminum automotive components and assemblies, has selected Flagstaff as the new home for their fourth production plant. UACJ Whitehall will take over a portion of the former Walgreen’s distribution center and will manufacture parts for electric vehicles and other automotive companies.

“We are so excited to welcome Whitehall Industries to Flagstaff,” said Mayor Paul Deasey. “They are a cutting-edge company that exemplifies Flagstaff’s character as a city of innovation and sustainability. We look forward to the immense positive impact they will have for our community.”

Giving youth the chance to Step-Up at CCC

Young people who cross paths with the Coconino County criminal justice system often have common threads in the tapestries of their lives, according to the professionals at Juvenile Court Services.

They’re usually behind on school credit. They have little educational support at home – not because the parents don’t want to help, but rather, they are often in crisis themselves or working multiple jobs. They’ve typically experienced significant trauma in their lives. Sometimes, there are underlying issues like poverty, substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Coconino County Applauds Passage of the America Rescue Plan

Coconino County (on March 10) applauded the passage of the America Rescue Plan (ARP) and praised the leadership of Representative Tom O’Halleran and Senators Krysten Sinema and Mark Kelly for fighting for rural northern Arizona priorities in the federal relief bill. The America Rescue Plan passed the Senate this past weekend and the House of Representatives today.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s ‘Creativity Calling’ bringing youth, families together

Our circle is open! Our “Creativity Calling” gathering this month was powerful! We had four youth age 5-21 express themselves at this month’s Creativity Calling. Our youngest “express-er” was only five years old. She shared a pillow she had sewed with her personal sewing machine. She also shared she was learning to read and shared a book with us. …

We expressed gratitude that whether in Flagstaff, Hopi, or New Mexico, we were grateful we found a connection that we didn’t fully realize we were seeking.

We hope you and the youth you live or work with will join our next circle on April 4th!

Discover Flagstaff — Family Friday, FlagTag AZ. Get two games of Laser Tag for a family of 5 for $50 and more events

Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.

City of Flagstaff receives National League of Cities Community Resilience Grant

The National League of Cities (NLC) announced the city of Flagstaff as one of eight cities for the 2021 Leadership in Community Resilience program. The NLC will provide the city with $10,000 in direct financial support as well as technical assistance and advisory services from NLC staff and partners to help meet community-specific resilience goals. The city will use this funding to focus on the impacts of smoke from wildfires and prescribed burns by launching the Resilient Neighborhoods Network in three pilot neighborhoods and to provide micro-grants for participating neighborhoods, as well as purchasing HEPA air purifiers to distribute to vulnerable residents.

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography Images of the Month – March 2021

Yerberías (yer-beh-ree-ahs), also commonly known as botanicas, are usually small, somewhat hidden establishments that provide a wide variety of carefully wrapped medicinal herbs and teas, lotions, potions, amulets for good luck, spell-casting candles of all colors, crystals, fetishes, and a wide-ranging assortment of sacred and pagan articles for the practice of curanderismo, white magic, spiritualism, and Afro-Cuban Santería. They may offer additional services such as consultations, card readings, and “cleansings” to banish negative spirits. They are a vivacious combination of a spiritual resource hub, folk dispensary, and metaphysical outlet, servicing the physical, psychological, religious, and spiritual needs of the Latino population.

Glen Canyon Dam operational flows to be modified March 15-26

The Department of the Interior will implement a spring disturbance flow at Glen Canyon Dam March 15 to 26, 2021. The operation will coincide with required maintenance on the concrete apron downstream of the dam and powerplant. The spring disturbance flow will not affect the monthly or annual release volumes from Lake Powell. 

Bilingual report — New vaccine appointments (1,500 by Flagstaff Medical Center at Elks Lodge), (1,400 at Fort Tuthill County Park, now open

Coconino County has opened over 1,400 first dose COVID-19 vaccination appointments for the Fort Tuthill County Park vaccination site in Flagstaff. Appointment times are available from Monday, March 8 through Tuesday, March 16.

NAU News — ‘Join NAU in celebrating Women’s History Month and recognizing the accomplishments of women’ and more news

Throughout the month of March, NAU will host several activities, including a donation drive and panel discussions, that benefit women and honor the vital role they play in American history.

CCC students get nod for All-Arizona Academic Scholarship

Two Coconino Community College students – Jake Zimmerman and Lee Hartwig – have been recognized for the prestigious 2021 All-Arizona Academic Team Scholarship.

The scholarship offers free tuition for 60 credit hours at the recipient’s choice of one of the three state universities.

“A financial burden has been taken off my shoulders,” said Zimmerman, who has moved onto Northern Arizona University to continue his studies for a degree in Physical Therapy. “It’s an awesome feeling.”

New Exhibition at Sedona Arts Center!

Bill Cramer, Cliff Finity, Byron McKeown, Deanne McKeown, and Lesley Aine McKeown

The Center’s Fine Art Gallery showcases the largest selection in Sedona of artwork by local artists. If you are seeking a rare piece of fine art, a gift of exquisite jewelry, appreciate stunning photography, or looking for a lovely keepsake from your visit to Sedona, the Arts Center has it all and more. The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers all purchases without sales tax – almost a 10% savings.

The Fine Art Gallery is currently open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm. Sedona Arts Center is located at 15 Art Barn Road in Uptown Sedona.

Our new online gallery represents a full spectrum of the diversity of artists represented by the arts center.  Visit us today!

Gear up for computer support job by year’s end with CCC help

The scenario is all too common: The computer isn’t working right. What’s wrong with it?

The customer dials a number or submits a ticket via email. The line engages; the email is answered.

“Support desk,” the voice says. “How may I help you?”

Coconino Community College is collaborating with Google to offer an Information Technology Support Professional certificate beginning this summer, and the three-class program can be completed before the end of the year.

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Appoint Steve Peru as County Manager

The Coconino County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to appoint Steve Peru as its next County Manager, with his service to begin on April 5.

The Board interviewed Peru on Tuesday for the role. Peru also interviewed with the County Elected Officials and Department heads. In making the appointment, Supervisors cited Peru’s experience at the County and in the private sector and other community agencies. This experience is part of “an alignment of opportunity” for the County to fill its need for consistent and capable leadership in the coming months as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and for the financial challenges the County faces due to the pandemic. Additionally, Peru knows the County well as a former County Manager with an eye toward the culture of the organization.