Author: Community Contributor

The NAU Review — International Women’s Day, how community health workers improve their communities, mental health support and helicopters

NAU’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies has crowd-sourced a list of outstanding historical and contemporary figures who advocated for women’s rights and human rights across all conceivable fields of intellectual, political, medical and artistic endeavors from different geographical locations. From artists to authors to protestors, these women are recognized for their contribution to human history.

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Seeking Two Candidates for Vacant Seats on Coconino Community College District Board

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget  is seeking candidates for vacant seats for Coconino Community College District #2 and Coconino Community College District #3. 

Both Coconino Community College District #2 and Coconino Community College District #3 serve a term of six (6) years.

Virtual Public Input Sessions to discuss Draft Maps for Redistricting to be held March 12, 17, 23 and 29

County residents encouraged to attended Virtual Public Input Sessions March 12, 17, 23, 29

COCONINO COUNTY — Every ten years, state law requires county boards of supervisors to reapportion districts based on population according to the U.S. Census. The districts must be reapportioned so each district is substantially equal in population.

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors will meet in a Special Session to consider six draft maps for redistricting Coconino County’s supervisory districts. Following consideration and discussion of the draft maps on March 2, a public input period will begin. 

All-Arizona Team scholarship recipient to focus on public mental health

He was tired of chasing after a big paycheck and wanted to do something more for his community.

That’s why Coconino Community College student Frank Stucjus decided to return to school a bit later in life.

“I really like the idea of helping people get the tools to solve their problems,” Stucjus said, adding that he’s had a tumultuous life and would like to help navigate through the tough spots in their own lives as a counselor or a teacher. “I wanted to do something that gives back to the people around me.”

Creative Flagstaff — Announcing the 14th Annual Viola Awards Finalists!

Creative Flagstaff is thrilled to share the 14th Annual Viola Awards finalists. Winners will be announced at the Viola Awards on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Flagstaff. Tickets for the event will go on sale soon. Read more about each of this year’s finalists on our website. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y March 4, 2022 Special Alert — CCC&Y Opposes HB 2808

CCC&Y has opposed this bill and encourages your participation as well.  

CCC&Y’s Position

HB 2808- Bill is aimed at addressing D and F graded schools. However, it is not addressing the root cause of issues children and families face such as poverty, access to nutrition and technology.  There has been no community input, and there has not been public debate.  Decisions will be made based on testing that many describe as flawed. These measures do not account for the societal variables schools face.  This bill would open the door to school take over from groups- including national ones- with little transparency and accountability.  At a minimum, this should be slowed down to allow for input and discussion.  Further, we have not resourced schools facing the most challenges appropriately. We continue to operate under a punitive system that punishes schools for the societal hardships they are facing rather than offering the necessary support. 

Updated — Prescribed fire planned along Colorado River near Lees Ferry may begin March 8

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers—working with resources from Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and the National Park Service Utah Parks Group anticipate initiating prescribed fire treatments as early as Tuesday downriver from Lees Ferry, Az. within Grand Canyon National Park. 

On Tuesday, March 8, ignitions may occur on the Paria Beach Riparian Restoration project. The project is not expected to last for more than one day and targets 5 acres of riparian vegetation and tamarisk along the banks of the Colorado River, approximately 1.25 miles downriver from the Lees Ferry boat ramp. 

NAU Latin American Studies to screen ‘Fandango at the Wall!’ on March 9

On Wednesday March 9 at 4 pm in LA 136 Latin American Studies will screen the film Fandango at the Wall. This beautiful and thought-provoking film features a journey through Mexico to explore a 300 year-old Mexican folk tradition–son jarocho—a binational fandango festival on both sides of the US/Mexico border, the conditions of life in Mexico, and the politics of migration. The ultimate message of the film is the triumph of unity through music over division.

You can see a trailer for the film at:

All-Arizona Team scholarship recipient builds future

What started out as a desire to build a home she could call her own has turned into a career path.

Now that Coconino Community College student Andrea Clayton has received the All-Arizona Academic Scholarship, she will continue her journey toward a bachelor’s degree in Construction Technology Management and, maybe, owning her own business.

“There’s a certain satisfaction in building with my own hands,” Clayton said, adding that she hopes to gain some experience managing projects for a local contractor before trying to strike out owning her own business.

United Way of Northern Arizona — More Than Just School Readiness

When Elevate PreK launched its year-round early childhood education program at Kinsey Elementary School last August, expectations were high. 

The three-year pilot program was designed not only to fill the gaps in accessing high-quality preschool education in Flagstaff for lower- and middle-income families; it was a chance to showcase best practices and spur more professional development for all early childhood learning professionals.

In just a few months, however, the program has also become a force for good in the lives of the families of the 18 children who attend Elevate PreK.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Feb. 28-March 4, 2022

Outdoor mask zones now lifted throughout the park; masks still required in government buildings and transportation

More updates will be provided soon following DOI and NPS all employee emails this afternoon (Thursday, March 3)

This week, Superintendent Keable has made the decision to remove the outdoor mask zones in the park. This week, the outdoor sandwich board signs have been removed from Grand Canyon Visitor Center Plaza to Mather Point and Hopi Point. The remaining signs in historic district, Desert View Watchtower area, all shuttle bus stops, and entrance stations will be pulled beginning today, March 3. We will be modifying the Superintendent’s Compendium in the coming days to reflect these changes.

STEM Celebration 2022 set for April 30

Share your expertise at the 2022 STEM Celebration!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Ft. Tuthill Fairgrounds

I am writing to invite your organization to participate in the 2022 Community STEM Celebration.

This is the 9th year STEM City and its partners have worked to create this unique opportunity for all of Flagstaff to engage with the STEM community (K-12 schools, college and university educational institutions, businesses, government agencies, non-profits, and others).

Hands-on activities, demonstrations and conversations excite participants, expose the community to STEM educational and career opportunities in Flagstaff and celebrate Flagstaff’s designation as “America’s First STEM Community.”

We hope you will be able to participate in this once-a-year celebration of STEM in Flagstaff.

School Superintendent to Interview Candidates for School Governing Board and Seeks Input — Maine Consolidated School District #10

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget has announced the scheduling of interviews for two Governing School Board Member open seats at Maine Consolidated School District #10.

An advisory committee will be assembled consisting of a district resident, district teacher, chapter official, and two current board members to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Mango-Paget on the appointments.

Sedona Arts Center — 41st Annual Juried Members Show Winners Announced!

Sedona Arts Center’s 41st Annual Juried Members’ Show, our community’s largest and longest-running group exhibition of visual art is now showing through March 31 in our Special Exhibitions Gallery in Uptown Sedona. And it’s free to the public!

Visitors will find everything from painting and watercolor to metal, wood, jewelry, and fiber art. A focus is also placed on drawing, mixed-media, photography and digital art. The Members’ Show is steeped in tradition and remains open to all current Arts Center members, whether seasoned professionals or new and emerging artists.

The show will be open 10AM – 5PM Monday through Saturday, and noon – 5PM on Sunday in our newly renovated Special Exhibit Gallery and Theater.

School Superintendent to Interview Candidates for School Governing Board and Seeks Input — Grand Canyon Unified School District #4

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget has announced the scheduling of interviews for a Governing School Board Member open seat at Grand Canyon Unified School District #4.

An advisory committee will be assembled consisting of a district resident, district  teacher, and two current board members to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Mango-Paget on the appointments.

The NAU Review — In congressional testimony, President Cruz Rivera shares critical need for increased access to students from historically underserved communities 

In congressional testimony, President Cruz Rivera shares critical need for increased access to students from historically underserved communities 

In addition to laying out the attainment gaps throughout the U.S.—only 40 out of every 100 white kindergartners are expected to get a bachelor’s degree and that number drops by half for Black children and one-third for Latino and Native American children—Cruz Rivera, himself a product of Hispanic Serving Institutions, offered policy recommendations to increase economic mobility and equitable postsecondary educational value. These include doubling the maximum amount of Pell grants; investing equitably by increasing per-student investments among all Minority Serving Institutions; improving data transparency and investing in P-12 education.

CCC students awarded All-Arizona Academic Scholarship

Two Coconino Community College students have been recognized for the esteemed 2022 All-Arizona Academic Team Scholarship.

The scholarship provides free tuition for 60 credit hours at the recipient’s choice of one of the three state universities – Arizona State University, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University.

This year, Frank Stucjus and Andrea Clayton received the news from CCC that they were selected for the All-Arizona Academic Team. 

“It means I don’t have to worry about the tuition coming out of the money we use to pay bills,” Stucjus said.  “There is no question now that I’m going to stick it out to the end.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Supporting peace, thriving resilient communities

By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

“We imagine a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community,” — Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth 

As recent world events show, those words ring true now more than ever, not only in Coconino County but around the globe.

​​​​​​​How can you help globally? 

Here is a list by a former high-ranking State Department employee who lives in Kyiv of how you can directly support humanitarian relief in Ukraine.
Voices of Children addresses the psychological effect of armed conflict on children. Founded in 2015 in response to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Voices of Children provides art therapy, mobile psychologists, and individualized support to traumatized children. Individuals can donate through bank transfer, credit/debit card, or Apple Pay or via
The International Rescue Committee has a long history of providing resources to refugees fleeing countries facing humanitarian crisis. Its leaders have responded to the situation in Ukraine by meeting with organizations in Poland and Ukraine to provide whatever assistance is needed. You can make a donation via its website. While the organization will accept donations of any size, it states on the site that a monthly donation of $108 will provide eight families with temporary shelter.
CARE is an international humanitarian organization that has set up an emergency Ukrainian Crisis Fund with the goal of providing immediate support for 4 million people.
Read More

Coconino County Announces Updated Masking Requirements in County Facilities

On Friday, February 25, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced new metrics to guide COVID-19 mitigation practices, including mask requirements.

CCHHS has consistently followed CDC guidance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to follow current recommendations. COVID-19 Community Levels will now be determined based on three pieces of data: new COVID-19 hospitalizations, hospital capacity, and new COVID-19 cases. Categories for COVID-19 Community Levels have changed to three levels: Low (Green), Medium (Yellow), and High (Orange).  

Masks no longer required in City of Flagstaff facilities effective March 7

During the March 1 Flagstaff City Council meeting, the Council decided to update mask requirements in City facilities to match updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), effective Monday, March 7. As the CDC currently lists Coconino County’s community level as “medium”, masks will not be required to be worn indoors at City facilities, upon the effective date.

Sedona Arts Center March Update

Our first Vision & Sound: An African American Experience, is in the books, as they say, and was a success! During our closing event last Friday night I was asked about the “power” of this year’s partnership and collaboration – with the artists as well as with the other partners. There were so many memorable moments that it was difficult to be concise but I summed up this year’s program this way: never before has there been an all-African American event at Sedona Arts Center – Vision & Sound 2022 was an historic event for us. Also, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, we have never collaborated with other cities before – so partnering with the City of Goodyear and the City of Glendale was new for us. In addition, working with the ASU Center for the Study of Race and Democracy was groundbreaking and unlike anything we’ve done in our history.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Legendary Egyptologist Will Bring ‘Pyramids to The Peaks’ at 2022 Festival of Science

The 2022 Flagstaff Festival of Science will reveal “Pyramids to The Peaks” on September 23- October 2, 2022 in Flagstaff, Arizona. World-renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, Ph.D., will begin the free, 10-day adventure with a compelling presentation sharing his passion for archeological discovery in the fascinating world of pharaohs and Egyptian gods.

Incredible discoveries by Dr. Hawass include the Tombs of the Pyramid Builders at Giza and the Valley of the Golden Mummies at Bahariya Oasis. One of his most significant research efforts was the Egyptian Mummy Project, which used modern forensic techniques such as CT and DNA analysis to answer questions about royal mummies, including King Tutankhamun’s family, and solves the murder mystery of Ramesses III. 

The NAU Review — Celebrating Women’s History Month, what is happening in Ukraine, why you should travel solo and Lumberjack Champs (x2!)

Examining the past and changing the future: Celebrating Women’s History Month

Our community is celebrating the vital role of women in American history and present for Women’s History Month in March. In addition to the Martha Portree CSW Scholarship, NAU is hosting events throughout March to celebrate Women’s History Month with the whole community.

Creative Flagstaff — This Thursday: Clarinetist David Rothenberg with Violinist Iva Bittová at CCA

Join us at CCA for this show!
The Interference Series presents David Rothenberg (clarinet/woodwinds) and Iva Bittová (violin/voice). Philosopher and improvisor Rothenberg returns to Flagstaff with the phenomenal and multi-faceted Czech singer/instrumentalist Bittová for an evening of music past, present, and future. This concert is supported in part by the Richard Wood Professorship in Teaching of Philosophy.

Shifting from Cars: Online Survey Reveals Opportunities and Challenges

79% of drivers are willing to shift to another means of travel according to a recent online survey participated in by 640 Flagstaff area residents. However, those means like biking and transit need to be much safer and more convenient than they are today. “Understanding people’s choices helps us design systems and facilities that meet their individual transportation needs and larger community goals like climate and the economy,” said MetroPlan Planning Manager, David Wessel. MetroPlan, the region’s transportation planning organization, is developing Stride Forward a 20-25 year transportation plan.

Grand Canyon National Park announces backcountry camping fee increase

Effective July 1, 2022, Grand Canyon National Park will increase the cost of overnight backcountry permits. Grand Canyon began charging for overnight backcountry permits in 1997 and last modified backcountry fees in 2015.

The cost recovery charge for overnight backcountry permits will increase for all permits that begin on or after July 1, 2022. The charge of $10 per backcountry permit remains the same; the nightly per person fee will be increased from $8 per person to $12 per person or stock animal camping below the rim in designated backcountry camping areas. This increase does not affect camping fees at Mather, Desert View, or the North Rim campgrounds.

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography Images of the Month – February 2022

Antonio García was quietly fishing in Tijuana, Mexico, near the part of the wall in the United States-Mexico border that extends into the Pacific Ocean. He was deported to Mexico years ago after having lived in the United States for decades without permission, leaving behind children, spouse, siblings, and grandchildren. Today he made his way to the fence to see his wife and two children who are meeting him on the San Diego side of the rust-colored steel boundary marker.

Latino Outdoors — Yo Cuento: Zapatos para la nieve

“Coming here to the nature helps me, it gives me energy. When I’m coming here and I see my family coming here, they come back a little bit happier and I think that’s part of the healing process for us. When we are in the cities, we are always doing activities, running, school, work. Here is a time to relax, it’s a time for us to be able to appreciate what we have around us. It’s a time to spend time with ourselves and lately we don’t have a lot of that time. So make the time, go outdoors.” – Ángeles Arroyo, LO outing participant.

This past month, Latino Outdoors Los Angeles and Los Padres ForestWatch teamed up to take Latinx families on a snowshoe hike to Mt. Pinos in the Angeles National Forest.

CDC Updates COVID-19 Metrics to Determine Community Risk Levels

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced new metrics to guide COVID-19 mitigation practices.

The new metrics will continue to consider caseloads to determine community risk level and will also incorporate the impacts on the healthcare system as indicators to determine appropriate prevention measures for each county. According to the CDC, counties in Low and Medium can consider going without masks in public indoor settings. In High, the CDC recommends masks in all public indoor settings, including schools.

Community garden plot applications open for the 2022 growing season

Members of the public are invited to submit applications for community garden plots starting on Tuesday, March 1. Garden plots are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority being given to returning gardeners who submit an application by April 1. 

Community garden plots are available for rent at three locations; the Bonito Location at 527 W Elm Avenue, the Izabel Location at 2300 N Izabel Street and the Southside Location at 900 S O’Leary Street.

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Hosting Governing Board Informational Sessions March 8-15

The public is invited to attend local School District Governing Board informational sessions.

The informational sessions, hosted by Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget, will allow time for interested candidates to ask questions and complete required documents. Sessions are free and no appointment is required. 

Consulado de México en Phoenix — 10th edition of the Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourism Affairs

We enter 2022 with much hope for the future–and a refreshed look for this newsletter. Do you like it?

Since the Government of Mexico has dedicated this year to Ricardo Flores Magón, a trained journalist who is considered one of the most influential thinkers of the Mexican Revolution, we have included his image on our nameplate for this year. The main sections will remain the same and will continue to bring you relevant information in three sections:

#Choose Mexico,

#Arizona Thrives and

#Discover Mexico.

The NAU Review — What is happening to Earth’s forests?, Straw wars and Notes from the President

The boreal forest is a belt of cold-tolerant conifer trees that stretches nearly 9,000 miles across northern North America and Eurasia; it makes up almost a quarter of the Earth’s forest area. It’s also the coldest—and most rapidly warming—forest biome on the planet, and its shifting characteristics amid climate change are raising concerns about increased fire activity, decreased biodiversity and other long-term adverse effects for human and natural ecosystems.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Feb. 21-25, 2022

This week, the AMPO team discussed the process the park will follow to reopen NPS buildings that are currently closed, or partially closed, due to the pandemic and the status of the park outdoor mask zone areas.

The team talked about the lifting of mask mandates at several bordering states including California, New Mexico, and Nevada. With those restrictions being lifted, park managers are considering how to make mask restriction changes in the outdoor areas of the park that are currently identified as mask zones. These masking requirements were put in place through the Superintendent’s Compendium. Most of you have seen the sandwich board signs along the rim trail near the El Tovar, at Desert View and Mather Point alerting visitors to the requirement to wear a mask in these areas.

When changes are made, we will let staff know through our weekly calls and this newsletter, Changes will officially be implemented through the Superintendent’s Compendium. These steps will also include updated information for our visitors.

Heidi Hansen announced as Flagstaff Interim Deputy City Manager

This week, Heidi Hansen, currently the City of Flagstaff Economic Vitality Director, was announced as Interim Deputy City Manager. Hansen is temporarily filling the position vacated by Shane Dille, who accepted the position of Town Manager of Sahuarita, Ariz. in January of this year. Heidi, with the assistance of Trace Ward (the Convention and Visitors Bureau Director) will continue to also serve over the Economic Vitality Division during the interim assignment.

In the near future, the City will launch a nation-wide competitive recruitment process to permanently fill the Deputy City Manager position.

Sedona Arts Center — Call for Artists!!

– Application Deadline: March 15, 2022
The Tailgate Paint Out is a new 3-day event that will be held from June 3-5, 2022. Sedona Arts Center will invite up to 30 artists to Sedona for a paint out and sale.

The Tailgate Paint Out is a first-of-its-kind event and is supported by a group of very experienced and enthusiastic staff and volunteers. Sedona is a sublime environment with stunning beauty, and the Sedona Arts Center has roots going back 60+ years to the founding of Sedona. If you have never been to, or painted in Sedona, this is a great opportunity to get to know our incredible scenery, sell work and be eligible for great prize money! We are focusing this event on artists that have never been to one of our events in the past or are emerging artists. Tailgate Paint Out is supported by a grant from the AZ Office of Tourism.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Winslow Levee Project Wins Federal Support

The City of Winslow and several regional communities along the Little Colorado River are facing a more secure, prosperous, and drier future with the announcement of almost $66 million in federal funding for the Winslow Levee project.

The project is critical for the region’s economic development, but also has implications for the national economy as well. More than 100 BNSF trains double stacked with cargo containers cross over the Little Colorado River in Winslow every day, and the City serves as a critical link in the movement of billions of dollars in goods between the port of Long Beach and Chicago.

Sedona Arts Center — Final Event! Vision & Sound: An African American Experience

Friday, February 25, 2022, 5-6:30pm – FREE
Virtual Closing Event Streaming LIVE on: 

Streaming Live from the ASU Center for the Study of Race & Democracy
Featuring Dr. Lois Brown, Director of the ASU Center for the Study of Race & Democracy and Dr Joel Martin, President of Positively Powerful Triad West, Inc. and the participating artists in Vision & Sound: An African American Experience 2022.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Mike Kelly Elected UWNA Board Chairman

To fulfill its mission of Improving lives by mobilizing communities, United Way of Northern Arizona has always depended on its volunteer Board of Directors to direct our efforts. While never an easy job, over the last few years it has been even more challenging as the pandemic and other crises created a huge demand for services in the community. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y members to receive discount for Historical Trauma Specialist Certification LEVEL 2 online training on March 1, 2

Historical Trauma Specialist Certification LEVEL 2 online training will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 1 (MST) and 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 2 (MST).

Members of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth will receive 20 percent off both trainings. For members to receive the promo code, contact CCC&Y Executive Director Virginia Watahomigie at

Discounts are also available for those CCC&Y members who have not taken the required Historical Trauma Specialist Certification LEVEL 1 online training, that focuses on intergenerational trauma and the impact of Epigenetics, cultural dispossession, segregation & displacement of BIPOC.

Creative Flagstaff — Updates from the Coconino Center for the Arts

NightVisions 2022: Last Chance to enter the call for entry

NightVisions: Cultural Interpretations of the Night Sky is an international juried art exhibition at Coconino Center for the Arts in Flagstaff, AZ that seeks to explore and celebrate our deep connections with the night. In its 8th iteration, we are excited to expand upon the exhibition concept in honor of the legacy of Flagstaff astronomer Carolyn S Shoemaker (June 24, 1929 – August 13, 2021) and her collaborations with husband and geologist Eugene Shoemaker (April 28, 1928 – July 18, 1997), with the inclusion of archival astronomical elements alongside the work of contemporary artists.

The NAU Review — Pets of NAU, how to win an argument and the Faculty Senate president

LumberSNAPS: Pets of NAU

Question: Who is a Lumberjack’s best friend? Answer: Shaun, Binx, Rupert, Winston, Volt, Banjo, Nucky, Hazel, Missy, Huckleberry and Worm, to name a few. In America, 70 percent of households own at least one pet. Or do they own us? 🤔 In honor of National Love Your Pet Day on Sunday, The NAU Review collected photos of the Lumberjack community’s furry (and slimy!) companions.

Supervisors Horstman, Vasquez Elected Chair, Vice Chair of County Board

Each year, the Board of Supervisors elects a Chair and Vice Chair. The Board unanimously agreed at the February 8 meeting to elect Supervisor Patrice Horstman, District 1, as Chair of the Board, and Supervisor Jeronimo Vasquez, District 2, as Vice Chair.

Horstman joined the Board of Supervisors in January 2021, following her election in November 2020. …

Vasquez joined the Board of Supervisors in February 2021 following the resignation of former Supervisor Liz Archuleta, who resigned to serve in the Biden Administration.

CCC student wants to make a difference when people need it the most

Alfredo Villa wanted to be a part of his community and to make a difference in people’s lives.

So, he went to Coconino Community College and took Fire Science courses. He landed a job with the Highlands Fire District as a firefighter. He received his Emergency Medical Technician certificate in 2009.

And now, Villa is in the 2021-22 cohort of Paramedic Studies. 

“I think it’s a dynamic profession,” Villa said. “There’s constantly something to learn. There’s a lot of teamwork involved, and every day is a little bit different, and every patient is a little bit different. For the creative types and for people who like helping people, it’s a great place to go to work. You have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s days when they need it the most.”

Jeronimo Vazquez celebrates one-year anniversary as Coconino County District 2 supervisor

By Ruth Eaton

Congratulations! Felicidades! Happy Supervisor Day! — Jeronimo Vasquez, Coconino County Board of Supervisor

Today the community District 2 and Supervisor Jeronimo celebrated the February 12th one year anniversary at Ponderosa Park.

It was only one year ago February 12, 2021 that this outstanding Hispanic Leader came on Board the Coconino County Board of Supervisors.

We, the Hispanic community want to congratulate him for a year of great achievements.

CCC gets community input on future workforce training opportunities for Williams

OSHA 10, CPR and First-Aid certifications. Skills in the trades that are useful for building maintenance. Customer service, and, of course, hotel and restaurant management certifications.

Over the course of two days last week, Williams residents voiced their workforce training needs to Continuing Education and Workforce Training leaders at Coconino Community College as part of a partnership with the City of Williams. The events, “Connect & Ignite,” were meant to give CCC information on creating and offering future training opportunities for the city’s workforce, particularly in the hospitality and service industries.

Community engagement opportunities shape the future of Thorpe Park

The City of Flagstaff Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Events Division is partnering with Southwest Decision Resources and Wheat Design Group to collaborate with Flagstaff community members on the future of the 8.5-acre Thorpe Park Annex parcel. Public feedback is essential in crafting a well-rounded concept design for the future of this parcel.

To kick-off the community involvement process, information sessions, including online feedback opportunities, are scheduled for Wednesday, March 2 at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 5 at 11 a.m. – both sessions are open to all members of the public and will hosted virtually through Zoom.

Flagstaff Festival Science — Local Science Spotlight: Dr. Joe Busch, Population Geneticist

Unveiling the secret lives of ticks, Dr. Joe Busch leads us through fascinating research in population genetics. Joe, a Senior Research Scientist at the Pathogen & Microbiome Institute (PMI) at Northern Arizona University, studies Cattle Fever ticks. These ticks pose a major threat to food security in the United States, and Joe uses DNA fingerprinting markers to track tick movements and look for the spread of certain genetic groups.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Feb. 14-18, 2022

Changes in testing at the Grand Canyon Clinic 

The Clinic has modified their COVID-19 testing procedures and now will be offering curbside appointments Mondays and Fridays from 2-3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Patients will now need to be seen by a provider for these appointments. Insurance is accepted, and no one will be turned away if they don’t have insurance and can’t afford testing. Individuals will will be billed for a provider visit. It is also important to remember that North Country has a sliding fee scale for the uninsured.  

Patients are encouraged to call ahead and get on the curbside appointment list as soon as possible. Patients can also walk in and see a provider at any other time to be evaluated for COVID.  

Sedona Arts Center — 1-Week left! Vision & Sound: An African American Experience

Don’t miss these closing events!

Vision & Sound creates an educational experience and environment that broadens the understanding and appreciation of African American art, music, film, and literary works for multigenerational and multicultural audiences. We strive to build supportive relationships to encourage cultural equity throughout Arizona and beyond – recognizing that professional American artists of African descent are too often overlooked.

Sponsored by: AZ Commission on the Arts, AZ Community Foundation, AZ Humanities Council, Best Western Arroyo Roble Hotel & Creekside Resort, Carol Meiner, City of Glendale, City of Goodyear, The Links, Inc. Phoenix Chapter, ASU Center for the Study of Race and Democracy

The NAU Review — What’s killing our aspens, the importance of being kind and our favorite dwarf planet

What happens when an invasive insect starts killing Flagstaff’s fall staple and, more importantly, how can we stop it? These are questions a team of School of Forestry professors and graduate students are asking alongside the U.S. Forest Service as a plague of sap-sucking insects threatens northern Arizona’s aspens.