Sedona Arts Center (SAC) and the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) announce their collaboration to bring a series of panel discussions to the region on the topic of appropriation of Indigenous art and culture with funding provided by Arizona Humanities.
The three panel discussions are scheduled for:
September 17, 2 PM at the MNA; November 5, 2 PM at the MNA; and January 21, 2024, 2 PM at SAC.
This series of panel discussions complements the Arizona Humanities’ mission in several ways. The talks aim to expand the audience’s understanding of what constitutes authentic Indigenous art versus art that has appropriated aspects of Indigenous culture, and to create deeper connections between artist, culture, and community. By contextualizing the role of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board and the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, the boundaries of Indigenous artists’ intellectual property and agency over representation will be explored. By framing each discussion with questions that attendees can adopt in their evaluation of how to engage with Indigenous cultures and art, an enhanced knowledge will foster their ability to appreciate and differentiate authentic representation from appropriation. Panelists will be a diverse complement of Native and non-Native experts, representing a mix of traditional, contemporary, accepted, and challenged perspectives on Indigenous representation.