Author: Community Contributor

Flagstaff Arts Council update for July 17

NightVisions VI is currently showing in the main gallery at the Coconino Center for the Arts through July 29th, 2017. We have added two closing events in support of the exhibition that celebrates the beauty of the night sky. Both events are produced…

NAU’s Cline Library and Upward Bound collaborate to make STEM hands-on

By Northern Arizona University For the first time, Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library collaborated with Upward Bound to provide students exposure to different fields of technology and the opportunity to use the MakerLab, a 3-D printing service, to design and create their own…

CCC TRiO students get chance to ‘dream big’

By Coconino Community College FLAGSTAFF — Their journey took them through three states over five days in May. The purpose: Open up their horizons to the possibilities of education. Eight Coconino Community College students took a tour of three universities…

KNAU update for July 14

Click here for the latest KNAU news Garrison Keillor Returns To Flagstaff August 26th Mark your calendars as KNAU is bringing Garrison Keillor back to Flagstaff on Saturday August 26th with a live performance at the Pepsi Amphitheater at Fort Tuthill…

ECONA — Flagstaff’s New School Superintendent

  For Michael Penca, Flagstaff’s new superintendent of schools, the inspiration to pursue a career in education originated with the teachers who taught him back when he was a student. “I still marvel at the way my high school chemistry…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for July 13

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates July, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events July, Page Public…

NAU update for July 13

Click here for the latest news Thursday, July 13 NAU earns second NSF grant aimed at recruiting, educating and retaining math and science teachers Through the Noyce program, math and science education majors can get scholarships as they student-teach and…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for July 11

Click here for the entire e-newsletter July 11, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News Free summer lunch for kids! Guided Tours: Picture Canyon Scenic Chairlift Rides at Arizona Snowbowl Movies on the Square: Finding Dory NAU Summer Bug Camp Free…

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for July 10

Click here for the entire e-newswletter Donate Now In This Issue Affordable Housing Project Update July 26: Meeting about the FOSPR Program Don’t Stop Shoppin’ at the Garden! Affordable Housing Project Update On Friday, July 7th, at a special meeting,…

Aug. 9 — Northern Arizona Interfaith Council, Speak Up to present ‘A Discussion on College Access for Immigrant Students’

FLAGSTAFF — Northern Arizona Interfaith Council and Speak Up will present “A Discussion on College Access for Immigrant Students” from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9 at Firecreek Coffee Company, 22 Historic Route 66, Flagstaff. Free event. Everyone is invited.

KNAU update for July 7

Click here for the latest KNAU news KNAU Insider prEview – July 7th, 2017 Garrison Keillor Returns To Flagstaff August 26th Mark your calendars as KNAU is bringing Garrison Keillor back to Flagstaff on Saturday August 26th with a live performance…

Final days to save with #IndieWeekAZ! Plus Workshops, Art Events & More

Independents Week continues through the weekend! Get your Golden Coupon, shop local, and save at hundreds of independent businesses state-wide until July 9th. #IndieWeekAZ Download your Golden Coupon & check out who’s participating in Northern AZ: Quad Cities Verde Valley Rim…

Flagstaff City Council to hold Special Meeting on City Properties to be included in the Affordable Housing Request for Proposals on July 7. Please note location change

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff City Council will convene a Special Council Meeting on Friday July 7th at 10 a.m. to discuss and provide any final direction to city staff regarding the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Scattered Site Affordable Housing Project. …

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for July 6

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates July, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events July, Page Public…

We want you! Apply for the Citizens’ Transportation Tax Commission

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff Citizens’ Transportation Tax Commission applications are currently being accepted. To submit or download an application visit the City of Flagstaff Boards and Commissions website at In 2000 the City’s transaction privilege taxes for the purpose of…

Flagstaff Arts Council News & Events: July 2017

Greetings!  The Flagstaff Arts Council is pleased to announce the grant recipients of the 2017-18 Art & Science Fund.  The City of Flagstaff has again increased its investment in the non-profit arts and sciences sector. Revenues from the City of Flagstaff BBB…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for July 4

Click here for the entire e-newsletter July 4, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News New Report Finds Most Kids in AZ Do Not Have Access to Preschool Programs Support Healthy Sexuality in Teens Salvation Army Up-Coming Events and Volunteers Needed…

Flagstaff Police Department to present ‘National Night Out 2017’ on Aug. 1

FLAGSTAFF — Give crime a going away party with informational displays about hands only CPR, city ordinance on animal control topics, bite prevention, local community mentoring programs, drug prevention, gang awareness, school-based health care information, and much more at the annual…

July 8 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘Education’

Dear partner and friend, greetings! Our radio program tomorrow will be on EDUCATION: programs that help students prepare for college (Aguila, Be a Leader Foundation, Cesar Chavez Leadership Institute, Mother-Daughter Program). If you have not seen the video ad, click…

July 22 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘LOWRIDERS: the Chicano Movement’

Dear partner and friend, greetings! Our radio program tomorrow will be on LOWRIDERS: the Chicano Movement. Our guests will describe the historical context and link it to today’s advocacy efforts. The Lowriders (Pachucos, Zoot Suiters) phenomena will also be explained.…

July 15 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘THE LGBT: our journey’

Dear partner and friend, greetings! Our radio program tomorrow will be on The LGBT: our journey, and will address the LGBT in history, LGBT terminology, the acceptance process, and from social to legislative. If you have not seen the video…

July 13 — Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board of Director’s Annual CommUNITY Picnic

FLAGSTAFF — The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board of Director’s Annual CommUNITY Picnic will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 13 at the Market of Dreams, 2532 E. 7th Ave., Flagstaff. Sponsored by Coconino Community College.

Aug. 5 — Riordan Mansion to present ‘Evening Lecture: Todos Unidos’

FLAGSTAFF — Riordan Mansion State Historic Park will feature the “Evening Lecture: Todos Unidos” presented by Breann Velasco at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5 at 409 W. Riordan Road. Working for the Arizona Historical Society’s Pioneer Museum and Riordan Mansion State…

City of Flagstaff reports on agenda for Flagstaff City Council Work Session on July 5. Please note location change

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff has announced the City Council agenda for upcoming Flagstaff City Council Meeting. Please note, meeting location has been changed to Coconino County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 219 E. Cherry Ave., Flagstaff. Click below for: July…

Reminder Minimum Wage Increase Effective July 1

FLAGSTAFF —The minimum wage in Flagstaff increases to $10.50 effective July 1, 2017. The Office of Labor Standards, in accordance with Title 15, Labor; Chapter 15-01 Minimum Wage of the Flagstaff City Code, is the City department established to enforce…

June 30 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on AZ Hispanic Leaders – Post 41

Dear partner and friend, greetings! Tomorrow’s radio program will be on AZ Hispanic Leaders – Post 41. Historian and Past Commander Robert Hernandez will be interviewed on the history and story of American Legion Post 41. Three other veterans will…

KNAU update for June 30

Click here for the latest KNAU news   KNAU Insider prEview – June 30th, 2017 You Make A Difference For KNAU KNAU’s fiscal year ends June 30th. Help us finish another year strong. Please don’t delay and contribute today. Your investment makes…

#IndieWeekAZ is taking over Northern AZ! Get your Golden Coupon, Shop Local, & Save

Independents Week starts this Saturday! It’s time for summer savings at your favorite local businesses! Grab your Golden Coupon to save 20% at hundreds of local businesses in Northern Arizona and across the state from July 1-9. #IndieWeekAZ Click Here to Download…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for June 29

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates June, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events June, Page Public…

Fiscal Year 2018 budget adopted by Board of Supervisors

COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino County Board of Supervisors adopted the County’s $192 million Fiscal Year 2018 budget during its public meeting June 27. The County balanced the FY 2018 budget and maintained a projected fund balance over the course of…

NAU update for June 29

Click here for the latest news   Thursday, June 29 Investment firm cofounder donating $1M to NAU for student teacher scholarships The scholarships are intended to help students from traditionally underrepresented groups during student-teaching, when balancing another job is difficult.…

Coconino County Sheriff’s Office Joins Operation Dry Water to Raise Awareness

PAGE – The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in Operation Dry Water as part of a nationally coordinated effort to increase knowledge about the dangers of boating under the influence (BUI). The goal is to reduce the number of accidents and deaths…

Participate in Independents Week

Our annual summer celebration of local businesses starts this Saturday. It’s not too late to sign your business up to participate! Just follow the instructions below. PARTICIPATE IN INDEPENDENTS WEEK Independents Week is Arizona’s only week-long celebration of local businesses…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for June 27

Click here for the entire e-newsletter June 27, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News Donations for Back-to-School TLC Job Posting Girl Scout Intel Maker Camp Become a Foster Parent! 12-Week Family Development Course Salvation Army Up-Coming Events and Volunteers Needed…

Fuerza Local ARIZONA Noticias de 26 de junio

NOTICIAS DE FUERZA LOCAL  26 DE JUNIO, 2017    Indie Week Pub Crawl(Tour de Bares) Viernes, 30 de junio, 7-10:30PM ¿Listo para celebrar a negocios locales de la manera más divertida? Te invitamos a que celebres el inicio de Independents…

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for June 26

Click here for the entire e-newsletter Donate Now In This Issue Affordable Housing Solicitation Project F3’s Official Statement Overview of the Project Details about Tomorrow’s Meeting Tonight: 2nd Meeting on Vintage Development Red Door Auction Happens on July 1 Affordable…

Monsoon Awareness and Flooding

FLAGSTAFF — The monsoon is upon us and the City of Flagstaff Stormwater Management Section would like to make the public aware of precautions and services provided by the City. Streets flood quickly! A car can float in as little as…

June 24 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘ Financial Security: from the womb to the tomb’

Dear partner and friend, greetings! (June 24th)  radio program will be on Financial Security: from the womb to the tomb. If you have not seen the video ad, here is the link: Join us by radio, website, or Facebook Live…

Boundary Fire Smoke Moves Into Flagstaff

FLAGSTAFF — Smoke in the Flagstaff area is from the Boundary fire due to a prevailing Northwest wind moving into the City. As the temperature rises the smoke will also rise. The forecast calls for Northwest winds to continue through the…

KNAU update for June 23

Click here for the latest KNAU news   KNAU Insider prEview – June 23rd, 2017 You Make A Difference For KNAU KNAU’s fiscal year ends June 30th. Help us finish another year strong. Please don’t delay andcontribute today. Your investment makes…

Join Important Affordable Housing Discussion at City Council Work Session on June 27

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff community is invited to attend an important affordable housing discussion scheduled on Tuesday, June 27 at the Flagstaff City Council Work Session. The 5:00 p.m. meeting will be held at the Cogdill Recreation Center (Boys & Girls…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for June 22

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun:  2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates June, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events June, Page…