Author: Community Contributor

Flagstaff City Council to meet on Aug. 15

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff City Council will hold its regular council meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 15 at the City Council Chambers, 211 W. Aspen Ave., Flagstaff. Click below for: August 15, 2017 agenda City Council Meeting – FINAL More…

KNAU update for Aug. 11

Click here for the latest KNAU news KNAU Insider prEview – August 11th, 2017 Marked Down Tickets for Garrison Keillor KNAU has a limited number of tickets left for Garrison Keillor and with only two weeks until the show we are…

Aug. 12 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘HEALTH: Diet & Exercise’

Dear friend, greetings! Happy Friday! Our radio program tomorrow will be on HEALTH: Diet & Exercise. Our guests, Dr. Sonia Vega-Lopez and Hector Valdez from ASU, Medical Doctor and Emergency Department Medical Director for Banner Baywood Hospital in Mesa Nick Vasquez,…

NAU update for Aug. 10

Click here for the latest NAU News   Thursday, Aug. 10 NAU ecosystem scientist’s study finds droughts may endanger ecosystem resiliency  The study, published in Nature, showed as droughts get more frequent and more severe, ecosystems may not have enough time…

Flagstaff Arts Council update for Aug. 10

We are pleased to present to you Hope and Trauma in a Poisoned Land, the new art exhibition at the Coconino Center for the Arts.   I’ve seen many exhibitions at the Center during my ten years here. This features some…

Coming up at the Market of Dreams…

Click here for the entire e-newsletter There are so many great ways to support the community at the Market of Dreams! Share Tweet Forward Copyright © 2017 Market of Dreams/Mercado de los Sueños, All rights reserved.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for Aug. 10

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates Aug., Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events Aug., Page Public…

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for Aug. 8: How will the new HOH Specific Plan will effect Flagstaff’s Future?

Click here for the entire e-newsletter Donate Now In This Issue HOH Specific Plan Welcome Party for Dawn Tucker Because of the complexity of the HOH Specific plan, this issue will focus on that document exclusively. For information on the Transect…

Local First ARIZONA update for Aug. 8

As we begin to say goodbye to summer, take a look at what we have planned for this month and beyond: Business-Nonprofit Partnerships Make Cents The perfect partnership is mutually-beneficial: together, nonprofits and businesses can increase their bottom line and…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for Aug. 8

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   August 8, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News Kids Bowl Free for the Summer Tiny Sprouts Workshop Rad Raptors! Thunder Over Flagstaff Kids Squared Transitional Independent Living Program Adoption & Title 8…

Transformative Learning Center to present free 12-week Family Development Course in Spanish (started Aug. 2), English (started Aug. 8)

By the Transformative Learning Center Are you parenting a child 0-5 years old? Come meet other parents and get some support! Our FREE 12-week course starts August 8th All classes are offered on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Killip Elementary…

Flagstaff community celebrates ‘National Night Out 2017

  FLAGSTAFF — Members of the Flagstaff Police Department, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Coconino County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, the Flagstaff Fire Department, the Flagstaff Police Department Citizens Liaison Committee, Coconino County Attorney Bill Ring and representatives from…

NAU update for Aug. 4

Click here for the latest NAU News Friday, Aug. 4 Shakin’ up Shakespeare: Female portrays Henry V in NAU’s newest theatre production Shakespeare’s works are notoriously male-dominated, but NAU’s summer production company cast alumna Grace Novak as King Henry V, putting… earns international award

COCONINO COUNTY — The National Association for Court Managers (NACM), in partnership with the International Association for Court Administration (IACA), awarded top honors for this year’s top 10 Court Technology Solutions Awards. The awards are given each year to…

Kristine Ketel: CCC Part-Time Faculty of the Year 2017

FLAGSTAFF — For some students, she teaches the “scary” subjects: Public Speaking and Accounting. That may be, but it didn’t stop students, fellow faculty members and staff from selecting Kristine Ketel as the 2017 Part-Time Faculty of the Year at Coconino…

Fleas test positive for plague in Coconino County

Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD) officials confirmed that fleas collected in the Red Lake area, approximately five miles northeast of Williams, tested positive for plague (Yersinia pestis). The tests were conducted by the Center for Pathogen and Microbiome…

City Clerks receive two prestigious awards from the Arizona Municipal Clerks’ Association

FLAGSTAFF — Flagstaff’s City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk were recently recognized for their exceptional service and outstanding accomplishments by the Arizona Municipal Clerks’ Association (AMCA) at the organization’s annual conference on July 25, 2017. Elizabeth Burke, Flagstaff City Clerk, was…

Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends: Hispanic population growth, lawful immigrants, border wall

  Hispanics accounted for about half of U.S. population growth between 2016 and 2017.   Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. August 04, 2017 U.S. Hispanic population growth has leveled off The annual growth rate of…

Aug. 5 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘Democracy: Civic Engagement’

Dear friend, greetings! Happy Friday! Our radio program tomorrow will be on DEMOCRACY: Civic Engagement. Our guests will describe the history of democracy, the painful journey, the of the people, by the people and for the people concepts, and our turn…

Suddenlink / Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce still seeking volunteers for the Teacher Supply Drive Aug. 3-5

By the Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce Suddenlink / Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce are still looking for volunteers for the Teacher Supply Drive. The 6th Annual Suddenlink Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce TEACHERS’ SUPPLY DRIVE will be held August 3-5 at the two Walmart stores in Flagstaff. For the last…

KNAU update for Aug. 4

Click here for the latest KNAU news   KNAU Insider prEview – August 4th, 2017 Garrison Keillor Returns To Flagstaff August 26th Mark your calendars as KNAU is bringing Garrison Keillor back to Flagstaff on Saturday August 26th with a live…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for Aug. 3

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates Aug., Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events Aug., Page…

ECoNA update for Aug. 2

  On behalf of Coconino County, we have had the privilege of working closely with hundreds of residents and stakeholders in the Lake Powell region for the past year, as the area prepares for the scheduled closing of the Navajo…

Flagstaff Arts Council update for Aug. 2

Greetings!  This month, the Arts Council will open Hope and Trauma in a Poisoned Land, a new exhibition that explores the impact of uranium mining on Navajo lands and people through the eyes of artists. The exhibition has been years in…

Aug. 15 — Historic Fort Tuthill Quad Dedication

Please join Coconino County Parks & Recreation for the Historic Fort Tuthill Quad Dedication at 10a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 15 at Fort Tuthill County Park. The dedication will celebrate the renovation of the Historic Quad, a site that served as…

Through Aug. 16 — Twin Arrows Casino Resort to host “The Moving Wall” Vietnam Veterans Memorial Display

FLAGSTAFF — Twin Arrows Casino Resort will host “The Moving Wall” Vietnam Veterans Memorial Display through Wednesday, Aug. 16 at Twin Arrows Casino Resort, 22181 Resort Blvd., Flagstaff. The Moving Wall is a half sized replica of the memorial, visiting every state…

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff collecting donations for Texas hurricane victims

FLAGSTAFF — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff is collecting donations for Texas hurricane victims. Rush trucking will be sending a semi loaded with donations to Texas for hurricane victims on Friday. We will collect donations at our office ( Big…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for Aug. 1

Click here for the entire e-newsletter August 1, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News 12-Week Family Development Course Transitional Independent Living Program Harry Potter Celebration Kids Squared Become a Foster Parent! Thunder Over Flagstaff Rad Raptors! Rocks Rock! Play Park…

July 29 — AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection radio program to focus on ‘Entertainment: The Good Old Days!’

Dear partner and friend, greetings! Our radio program tomorrow will be on “ENTERTAINMENT: the good old days!” Our guests will describe forms of entertainment enjoyed by the Hispanic/Latino community starting in the early 1900s. If you have not seen the…

KNAU update for July 28

Click here for the latest KNAU news   KNAU Insider prEview – July 28th, 2017 Garrison Keillor Returns To Flagstaff August 26th Mark your calendars as KNAU is bringing Garrison Keillor back to Flagstaff on Saturday August 26th with a live…

Coconino County earns National Achievement Awards for innovative programs

The National Association of Counties (NACo) awarded Coconino County multiple Achievement Awards and other recognitions. The awards honor innovative development within county government programs that enhance services for residents. “We are honored to be among one of the counties to…

United Way of Northern Arizona to host fundraiser on Aug. 2

  The United Way of Northern Arizona improves lives by mobilizing communities to make lasting changes in community conditions. Great things happen when we#LiveUnited. Wildflower Hosts Fundraiser for United Way Join Us on August 2nd Join us on Wednesday, August 2 at…

LAUNCH Flagstaff Monthly Update

   ADVANCING WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION   July was a busy month for the partners of LAUNCH Flagstaff and the coming months are shaping up to be even more exciting, so stay tuned!  Here are just three highlights from July. 3 STEPS…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for July 27

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates July, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events July, Page…

We want you! Apply for the Citizens’ Transportation Tax Commission

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff Citizens’ Transportation Tax Commission applications are currently being accepted. To submit or download an application visit the City of Flagstaff Boards and Commissions website at In 2000 the City’s transaction privilege taxes for the purpose of transportation…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for July 25

Click here for the entire e-newsletter July 25, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News 2017 Northern Arizona Suicide Prevention Conference Best for Babies Foster Parent Training Become a Foster Parent! Movies on the Square: Princess Bride Back to School Bash…

NAU update for July 21

Click here for the latest NAU News Friday, July 21 Unleashing inner artists: NAU’s Honors artist-in-residence program expands Until now, painter Bruce Aiken has been the only artist-in-residence at the university. But thanks to a recent gift, three additional artists…

County Manager Seelhammer wins Gabe Zimmerman Service Award

COCONINO COUNTY — The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) awarded Coconino County Manager Cynthia Seelhammer the 2017 Gabe Zimmerman Civic Leadership Award. The Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards are a statewide competition created to recognize outstanding non-elected public…

KNAU update for July 21

Click here for the latest KNAU news KNAU Insider prEview – July 21st, 2017 Garrison Keillor Returns To Flagstaff August 26th Mark your calendars as KNAU is bringing Garrison Keillor back to Flagstaff on Saturday August 26th with a live performance…

CCC Nursing program grows to 30 students a year

FLAGSTAFF — The Coconino Community College Nursing program will be growing to add more students to each yearly class beginning this fall. CCC will now be accepting 30 students each fall to fill out a class — up 50 percent from…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth education update for July 20

Click here for the entire e-newsletter Resources for Parents Arizona Daily Sun: 2017 summer camps offered around Flagstaff Arizona Daily Sun: Summer camp 2017 CCC&Y: 2017 Summer Youth Camps CCC&Y’s Parent Tool Kit Upcoming Dates July, Flagstaff Public Library announces upcoming events July, Page Public…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Action, Child Welfare, Events, Health, Outreach and Programs Update for July 18

Click here for the entire e-newsletter July 18, 2017 Edition Check Out the Latest News Support Healthy Sexuality in Teens Early Childhood Summit 2017 Best for Babies Foster Parent Training Donations for Back-to-School Salvation Army Up-Coming Events and Volunteers Needed…

Flagstaff Arts Council update for July 17

NightVisions VI is currently showing in the main gallery at the Coconino Center for the Arts through July 29th, 2017. We have added two closing events in support of the exhibition that celebrates the beauty of the night sky. Both events are produced…

NAU’s Cline Library and Upward Bound collaborate to make STEM hands-on

By Northern Arizona University For the first time, Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library collaborated with Upward Bound to provide students exposure to different fields of technology and the opportunity to use the MakerLab, a 3-D printing service, to design and create their own…

CCC TRiO students get chance to ‘dream big’

By Coconino Community College FLAGSTAFF — Their journey took them through three states over five days in May. The purpose: Open up their horizons to the possibilities of education. Eight Coconino Community College students took a tour of three universities…