AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection — SEGURO SOCIAL: Te Lo Has Ganado (6) – Aumentar La Plena Edad de Jubilación


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By AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection

In this series of programs, in addition to answering questions from the audience, we review several proposals that are being discussed in order to modify Social Security, more precisely, the program funds to achieve the solvency marked by the law. In this video we will discuss the option of raising the full retirement age.


En esta serie de programas, además de contestar preguntas del auditorio, repasamos varias propuestas que se discuten con el fin de modificar el Seguro Social, más precisamente, los fondos del programa para que logren la solvencia que marca la ley. En este vídeo discutiremos la opción de aumentar la plena edad de jubilación.


Friends, hello, I trust all is well…all things considered.

I recently did a brief presentation on a new Social Security law you may have heard of; it’s called the Social Security Fairness Act. Here is the link: It deals with having a non-covered SS pension and a covered SS pension.

Second, we will be offering a comprehensive in-person presentation on AI (the good, the bad, and the ugly) in Peoria on March 15. We will seek to offer it also in other parts of Valley. More to come soon…stay tuned.

We invite you to follow our Hispanic/Latino FB page at We upload lots of important information there, as well as promote H/L events and other.

Please know also that if you would like to receive emails with invitations to different events (such as Movies for Grownups, lunch and learns, painting events, and other) and information on certain topics, do consider creating an account at

Many thanks! Have a pleasant weekend!



Seguimos el dialogo sobre las propuestas que se consideran para evitar recortes de beneficiios y solucionar la solvencia a largo plazo del programa del Seguro Social.


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