City of Flagstaff hosts meet and greet event for Water Services Director candidates on March 27

FLAGSTAFF —The City of Flagstaff invites members of the public to attend a meet and greet event on Thursday, March 27 from 5 – 6:30 p.m. at Flagstaff City Hall for final candidates for the position of Water Services Director. The City received 13 applications, conducted four screening interviews, and invited two candidates to participate in the meet and greet following preliminary interviews.

The candidate names and a brief biography are included below:

  • Jeffery Low – Mr. Low has a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Hydrology, and holds a Floodplain Manager certification. He has 29 years of public service and four years in private industry. Mr. Low currently serves as a Utilities Director for the Town of Camp Verde. His previous roles consisted of Capital Projects Manager for the City of Prescott, Floodplain Unit Manager for Yavapai County, Assistant Town Engineer/Public Works Director for the Town of Cave Creek, Engineering Plan Reviewer for the Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Associate Engineer for Michael Baker Corporation, Associate Engineer for ENVIRON Corporation, and Hydrologic Technician for the City of Tucson.
  • Lee Williams – Mr. Williams has a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry & Math and is a certified operator in Water Treatment, Water Distribution, Wastewater Treatment, and Wastewater Collection. He has 12 years of public service, six years in education, and four years in private industry. Mr. Williams currently serves as the Water Operations Section Director for the City of Flagstaff. He previously worked for Prescott Unified School District and Orange County Schools as a teacher.

Attendees are invited to provide feedback about the candidates following the meet and greet at or may use the QR code.

For related questions, please contact the Shannon Anderson, City of Flagstaff Senior Deputy City Manager at or call 928-213-2084.