Museum of Northern Arizona — Your gift today opens minds!

Donate Today!
“This is the best field trip I’ve ever been on!” exclaimed a third grader who recently visited MNA as she admired the towering Therizinosaur in the museum’s lobby.

Did you know that in 2023, over 2,000 K-12 students visited MNA for free, thanks to generous philanthropic support like yours? A visit to the museum changes your perspective, regardless of your age. Recent visitor surveys tell us that 96% of visitors surveyed report gaining new insights and understandings from their MNA experience!

Discovery Camp participants construct shelters as they learn how place can influence culture. Your gift today supports programs that engage people of all ages!
We cannot provide these life-changing experiences without you. That’s why I’m asking you to make a financial gift to MNA this summer.

MNA relies on contributions like yours to sustain the programs and operations that make it possible to carry out our mission. If MNA’s impact on visitors’ lives is important to you, I hope you will contribute today.


Thank you for all you do for our MNA community. I look forward to seeing you at the museum soon!



Director of Philanthropy
The Museum of Northern Arizona is a gateway to understanding the Colorado Plateau, engaging local, regional and global audiences with life-enriching knowledge and experiences.