Story telling, exercise and other activities were presented at the “High Altitude Storytelling: Flagstaff Lifelong Learning Celebration” held June 21 at Killip Elementary School in Flagstaff. Photos by Frank X. Moraga / AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Organizers welcome the crowd at the “High Altitude Storytelling: Flagstaff Lifelong Learning Celebration” held June 21 at Killip Elementary School in Flagstaff. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Flagstaff Mayor Jerry Nabours helped open the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Visitors were encouraged to drop off books for youth at literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Storytelling was one of the highlights at the the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
The high school robotic team demonstrated one of their projects. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
The high school robotic team demonstrated one of their projects. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Youth had a chance to exercise their bodies as well as their minds at the event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Youth get information and raffle tickets before starting their exercise program. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
A passionate soccer fan takes advantage of the face painting booth at the event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Youth try to keep their balance during the fitness program. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Keeping in shape at a high altitude can be a challenge. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
The face paint artist was kept busy all day at the event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Ann Tatum of the Coconino County Career Center helps welcome visitors to the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Community leaders, educators and parents share their stories on the importance of education at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Raffle time at the Literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Information on storytelling, GED and other programs could be found at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Information on storytelling, GED and other programs could be found at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Information on storytelling, GED and other programs could be found at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Representatives from local organizations were ready to answer questions at the literacy event. AmigosNAZ ©2014.
Hover over each image to see a description.
AmigosNAZ staff report
FLAGSTAFF — Community leaders read to young people, parents and others spoke about the value of education, while youth took part in a variety of activities including exercise programs and face painting during free the “High Altitude Storytelling: Flagstaff Lifelong Learning Celebration” held June 21 at Killip Elementary School in Flagstaff.
The event also featured community information resource tables, a book drop, a raffle and other activies for students, along with a potluck.
For more information about this and future events, contact Beth Lavely, adult education instructor and one of the coordinators of the Story Telling Project at Coconino Community College, at 928-526-7638 or send an email to