Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for June 4

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In This Issue

  • New Acting Executive Director for F3
  • Your support is needed for the Attainable Housing Bond
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New Acting Executive Director for Friends of Flagstaff’s Future!

The F3 Board of Directors is excited to announce that Emily Melhorn will be the Acting Executive Director for the next two months from June 1st until July 31st. Emily is currently the Vice President of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future and will be filling in as Executive Director Dawn Tucker devotes more time and energy to the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival in its fourth summer season.
Emily has been a board member of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future since 2016.  In her time on the board, she has advocated for active transportation and affordable housing opportunities, social justice issues, and served on the steering committee for Flagstaff Open Space Parks and Recreation (FOSPR). Emily Melhorn said, “I am looking forward to devoting even more time to F3 as we approach an election year and helping to educate voters on initiatives and understanding the positions of candidates who can help make Flagstaff a more sustainable place to live.”
Emily has lived in Flagstaff since 2014 and is a homeowner at 4 Square and sits on the board of Townsite Community Land Trust. She has previously done advocacy work in Los Angeles on ballot initiatives for active transportation, renewable energy, campaign contribution transparency, and overturning Citizen’s United. She has also done campaign work for U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, Senator Barbara Boxer, and LA mayor Eric Garcetti. She is currently getting a dual masters at NAU in Sustainable Communities and Geography with a Planning emphasis. She has worked in a variety of service roles in Flagstaff, including transportation planning department for the City of Flagstaff, Flagstaff Arts Council, Coconino Country Career Center, and Coconino County Cooperative Extension.
“F3 has been very pleased with the work that Dawn has done in her role as Executive Director and is happy to provide the opportunity for her to pursue another passion in the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival this summer. We feel fortunate to have Emily step in so that we can continue to provide service to the community as we ramp up our election work and tackle important issues that impact the livability of Flagstaff,” said Mike Caulkins, President of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emily Melhorn at or call 310-402-7949.

Your support is needed for the Attainable Housing Bond!

On June 12th, City Council will vote on whether to include the Attainable Housing Bond on the 2018 ballot.

City Council had strong initial support for the Attainable Housing Bond, but at last week’s council meeting only Vice Mayor Whelan and Mayor Evans spoke publicly in favor of including Attainable Housing Bond on the 2018 ballot (Councilmember Putzova was not in attendance to make public comment). Council will vote on June 12th on whether to include Attainable Housing Bond on the 2018 ballot when all council members are present

If you would like the opportunity to vote on the Attainable Housing Bond in November, let council know by emailing 
(Copy message below for convenience):

As a Flagstaff resident, I think that attainable housing is one of the most pressing issues impacting the vitality of the community. Please provide the opportunity for the community to vote on the Attainable Housing Bond in November 2018.

We want to hear from you!

If you have thoughts on any of the above, please e-mail Acting Executive Director Emily, so she can make sure YOUR VOICE is heard through F3!

Thank you for your membership, participation and advocacy! 

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future Board of Directors
Darren Bingham, David McCain, Emily Melhorn, Michael Caulkins, Emma McVeigh, and Eli Cohen
We need YOUR support to continue our work for a livable community 
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Our mailing address is:
P.O.Box 23462, Flagstaff, AZ 86002