KNAU update for March 16

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KNAU Insider PrEview – March 16th, 2018
This week’s Insider PrEview is brought to you by:
In Prescott.
We Are 60% Of The Way There!
Who is the Public in Public Radio? You are! After one week of Pledge Drive Lite we are at 60% of our goal, and when we raise $100,000 our drive ends! That means that not one minute of programming gets interrupted and we reach our fundraising goal together. Donate to support the programs you depend on
This spring’s sweepstakes prizes are (2) pairs of First Class tickets on the Verde Canyon Railroad. Two winners will be drawn, each winning one pair of tickets. Also One Annual Senita Membership for two to the Desert Botanical Garden as well as over 300 reciprocal gardens Nationwide.
Earth Notes: John Strong Newberry
Imagine the thrill of being the first geologist to explore the Grand Canyon. That lucky individual — John Strong Newberry — wasn’t originally a rockhound but instead was a doctor from Ohio. Learn more at
Bullets vs Buildings: Prescott Researcher Receives Grant to Study Architecture and School Security
A research team at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott has received a first of its kind grant to test building materials against weapons. The goal is to see what works best for delaying an active school shooter. Learn more at
Native American Overdose Deaths Surge Since Opioid Epidemic
Overdose deaths in Native American communities have skyrocketed in the time the opioid epidemic has swept the U.S. and federal officials are looking for solutions. Learn more at
Brain Food: School Shooting Stress
Students across the country yesterday organized walkouts to honor the victims of last month’s deadly shooting at a Florida high school. As such tragedies in the U.S. increase, so does the amount of stress and fear in many students. Learn more at
Enrollment Numbers Soar at Wildfire Academy in Prescott
Enrollment has surged in a weeklong wildland firefighting academy currently underway in Arizona, officials said.More than 1,000 students enrolled this year for the Arizona Wildfire and Incident Management Academy. Learn more at