New destination from Flagstaff Airport


Starting May 5, 2018, the Flagstaff Airport will have an additional destination, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on American Airlines. This will be a non-stop flight.

This route will only fly on Saturdays and is a seasonal addition as American Airlines determines if the Flagstaff market will support additional service. American’s current 70-seat aircraft which includes a first-class section will operate this route. The flight will depart from LAX on Saturday at 2 p.m. and arrive in Flagstaff at 3:30 p.m. It will then depart Flagstaff at 4 p.m. and arrive in LA at 5:43 p.m.

“Although, American is choosing to only start with one flight per week, we are excited at the possibilities this new flight and destination will do for our community” said Airport Director, Barney Helmick. “For this route to be successful, we are asking our local community and visitors to book this flight. We realize that the options are limited, but when this flight shows results other flights will more than likely be added.”

This addition represents several opportunities for Flagstaff flying patrons:

  1. This provides visitors (especially international visitors), during peak season, a way to fly into Flagstaff rather than drive.
  2. Local patrons will have the ability to fly out on a Saturday and return the next Saturday if they so choose for vacation.
  3. If a leisure or business traveler wants to fly out Saturday and return sooner, they can always fly from LAX to PHX and then into FLG (which is the current configuration).

“The City of Flagstaff has worked extensively with American Airlines to bring this opportunity to our community” said Heidi Hansen, Director of Economic Vitality. “We are very excited about this destination and the additional options it will provide our flying patrons.”