Theatrikos June Newsletter — Hilarious 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche Opens June 9

Energetic Eggstravaganza 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche
June 2023
Estrogen-soaked comedy marks the return of Theatrikos’ grittier small scale traveling studio series
Theatrikos brings the crazy comedy 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche to the Flagstaff stage. Hold on to your quiches! It’s 1956 and the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their annual quiche breakfast. A tasty recipe of hysterical laughs, sexual innuendos, unsuccessful repressions and delicious discoveries.
“Beneath the innuendo and hysteria of Five Lesbians Eating a Quiche lies a touching story of sisterhood, self-acceptance, and strength in the face of adversity. This cast does a brilliant job of bringing this story and these characters to life,” said director Michael Rulon. “Though this show is set in 1956, the setting resonates heavily with the present day. Amid fear and paranoia, the five characters in this play find strength, hope, and sisterhood. Oh, and they eat quiche.”
“After a three-year pandemic induced absence, this show marks the return of Theatrikos’ Studio Series shows. Studio Series are smaller scale, amazing, sometimes gritty, frequently inspiring, cutting-edge shows,” said Theatrikos Executive Director Chris Verrill. 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche is all this and more.
Studio Series shows’ ticket prices are half Theatrikos’ usual ticket prices; $12 instead of $24. 5 Lesbians is a 75 minute one act show. Masks and proof of vaccination are no longer required at Theatrikos. But still recommended. Concessions are open and we’re back to doing our opening night receptions.
Performance Dates and Locations
—June 9-18 at Theatrikos
—June 23-25 at Montoya Center in Flagstaff
—July 2 at Sedona International Film Festival in Sedona
“I saw Dance Nation last night and thought it was a beautiful piece of art that was incredibly refreshing… incredibly captivating and beautiful production!”
—Caitlin Burd, Theatrikos Patron, Dance Nation
“I have seen the future, and it is Dance Nation,” said The Washington Post.
Last Weekend to Catch Dance Nation
Clare Barron’s Dance Nation received universally rave reviews when it opened Off-Broadway in 2018. It was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. New York Times named it the Critics Pick. It won the 2019 Drama Desk Award, the Obie Award and Blackburn Prize. Some audience members are in tears at the end. It’s provocative and touching at the same time. For a lot of Theatrikos patrons, it has danced into their very soul. The show closes June 4.
Classic Comedy Lend Me A Tenor Opens July 21
Flagstaff’s own John Propster directs the 9-time Tony Award nominated side-splitting classic farce Lend Me A Tenor. Madcap setups, mistaken identities, room swaps, hilarious misunderstandings, bawdy overtones and quirky characters make this gloriously fun. Lend Me A Tenor runs July 21 to August 13.
Wednesday Films
Sedona International Film Festival is bringing their acclaimed films back to Flagstaff—right here at Theatrikos. Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm.
* May 31—Eric Clapton: Across 24 Nights
* June 14—Daliland
1st Sunday Drama Club
New Performance Space, Hearts in Sync, Johnny Cash
Black Box Theatre Opens
Last week’s Pop Goes the Ferret!,part of ARTx, marked the official launch of Theatrikos’ new basement black box performance space. Pop Goes the Ferret!, an experimental rock opera in progress, was filled to capacity. If your arts organization, poetry performance group, stand up comic or other artist wants to use the black box, it’s available for the Flagstaff community to use. Seating capacity is 40.
Audience’s Hearts Synchronize at the Theatre
Researchers at University College London have found that audiences hearts synchronize watching live theatre. The research found that as well as alongside individuals’ emotional responses, the audience members’ hearts were also responding in unison, with their pulses speeding up and slowing down at the same rate.
Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash at Orpheum
Described by Rolling Stone as “pure Americana heart and soul”, The Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash are the voice and vision of songwriter Mark Stuart. Since forming the band in 1995, he’s performed with almost every major artist in the Country and Americana music community. Stuart was personally given permission to use the band’s name by Johnny Cash himself. June 1 at Orpheum.
5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche: Respect the Egg!
The motto is, “No men, no meat, all manners.” It’s a comedy, it’s a farce, it’s a cult classic. It’s a quiche-devouring, soul-searching, delightful commentary on sisterhood, self-expression, and sexual liberation.
Winner of the 2012 NYC International Fringe Festival as Best Overall Production, 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche, co-written by Andrew Hobgood and Evan Linder, features five women assembled in a church basement for the 1956 annual meeting of the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein’s annual quiche breakfast, a highly anticipated event. However, the gathering is thrown into an uproar when an atomic bomb alarm sounds and the Sisters must confront the doomsday possibility that they may be the only people left on earth. As fears and confessions fly, the ladies reinforce their commitment to their breakfast, because one must “respect the egg.”
“The play shows us how challenges humankind faces today are not much different from those we were facing 60 years ago,” observes actor Lily Bartholomew. “It also reminds us that a little laughter (or a lot) and good friends make even the toughest of times and scariest of situations feel surmountable. By coming together in friendship and in love these five women overcome so much, all while hosting a marvelous quiche breakfast!”
“Who doesn’t love quiche?”, asks actor Tracy Perrine. “These impulsive and zany characters are so excited to welcome y’all to their annual quiche breakfast! The audience will quickly get acquainted with this quirky group of ladies, in the midst of a very serious quiche contest. This play is hilarious, refreshing and promotes an inclusive message, while being intensely absurd and funny.”
“Come for the lesbians, stay for the quiche! Five of your soon-to-be favorite lesbians will take you on a journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and comedy during their annual quiche breakfast. We hope you’ll come to care for these ladies as they care for each other during a time when the stakes couldn’t be higher,” says actor Joseph Wright. “This play will touch your heart, stomachs, and more!”
5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche runs June 9 to July 2.
Theatrikos Theatre Company
928 774 1662