The Literacy Center — In Memory of Dr. Ann Beck

As some of you may already know, Dr. Ann Beck recently passed away unexpectedly.  For those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to meet Ann, she was the Executive Director of The Literacy Center for over a decade.  Ann passionately believed in education and literacy for all.  Her commitment to TLC’s mission is why our organization is thriving today.  For those of you who knew Ann, you already know that her energy, her drive, and her unwavering commitment to education were an incredible asset to the Flagstaff community.

Having a leadership role in the non-profit world can often be a lonely place.  You don’t typically have the advantage of a large staff and you are often tasked with making large decisions which you alone will be held accountable.  When I became the Executive Director at TLC, Ann was gracious enough to mentor me and patiently guide me through everything from grant writing to event planning.  Her skills as an educator were on full display as she answered every question I fired at her and she met every question with patience and thoughtfulness.  I was so lucky to be able to learn from someone who was deeply committed to TLC’s cause.

It makes me so sad to think about what else I could have learned from her.  She was taken from us much too soon and she will be missed greatly.

Ann impacted many of our lives.  In honor of Ann, we have shared other’s memories of her below.
– Dianna Sanchez, Executive Director

“Ann had a profound impact on my life. She was a great teacher, mentor, leader and friend. We first met and connected through our passion for helping adolescents with low literacy skills. During our time working with that teen literacy program many, many summers ago, I got to know Ann and see firsthand her compassion for others, especially those young teens and adults who struggled with literacy skills.

 I am so grateful to have been part of the Literacy Center when Ann was at the helm. She taught me so much and left such a legacy with this organization. I will miss her terribly but feel blessed to have called her my friend. Rest in peace, Ann.”

 – Kathy Mahosky – TLC Board Member

“Simply put, if it weren’t for Ann The Literacy Center would not exist today.    In her role as Executive Director  for 11 years Ann successfully led with vision, skill and determination.  She organized a small group of interested volunteers into an organization with a clear mission.  Always professional, Ann’s dedication was clearly first for our learners while being supportive of staff and volunteers.  I am proud to have been able to work with her.”

Jean Hockman, TLC Founder 

“I was invited to join the board of Literacy Volunteers of Coconino County in 2006, and that’s when I met Ann Beck.  In the following years, I was constantly impressed with Ann’s dedication to the mission of LVCC and to the learners who used its services.  There were definitely some lean years, but Ann was able to keep the organization going.  Ann had a vision for LVCC which meant moving out of the house on Humphreys to the next more spacious location on 7th Avenue.  With this move came the expansion of services that Ann felt were important for the learners she served.  When it came time for her to retire as Executive Director, she didn’t just walk away. She was always there to provide support.  The words I would use to describe Ann are dedication, vision, intelligence, leadership, caring, and good friend.  She will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her.”

– Phyllis Wolfskill, TLC Board Member

“I met Ann several years after we retired to Flagstaff in 1997. All my working years I had wanted to work with Literacy Volunteers; Sadly I was a total failure as a tutor.  So I volunteered in the office and then on the board. Ann was an inspiration and will be missed.”

– Holly Taylor, Past TLC Board President

Ann, thank you for your tireless work.  Your legacy has made our community stronger and has improved the lives of thousands.

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