The Flagstaff Blues and Brews Festival is Cancelled due to COVID-19

FLAGSTAFF — After deep consideration, I have made the difficult decision to cancel the 8th Annual Flagstaff Blues and Brews Festival on June 12-13, 2020. Unfortunately, I can no longer justify continuing with planning for The Flagstaff Blues and Brews Festival for this year. Our flagship event is now officially cancelled for 2020 out of an abundance of caution and for the health and safety of all attendees, artists, vendors, volunteers, staff, our sponsors and the Flagstaff community.

Although our event takes place outside the current CDC’s eight week ban, we made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s event as there is no timeline as to when restrictions and quarantines might realistically end.  We must respect current guidelines which, in all probability, will be extended for an unknown length of time. We wouldn’t be comfortable with a dark cloud hanging over the event in the form of a highly contagious virus that has already affected scores of people around the country, including in our own neighborhoods.

I know this comes as a disappointment to our music fans, especially toour fans that have supported the festival since the first one in 2013. We thank you for your continued support. We look forward to resuming the festival next year on June 11th and 12, 2021.

All ticket purchases made to this point remain valid and will be applied to the 2021 festival. If you would prefer a refund, please send an emailand your request to and your refund will be processed in a timely manner. More updates will be available in the coming weeks.

Our hearts go out to anyone directly or indirectly impacted by the COVID 19 virus.  To those who are sick, we extend to you our heartfelt wishes for a full recovery.

Please support your small local businesses in any way you can. Numerous suggestions have been posted online (my favorite is buy a gift card for use at a later time.), but we will get through this together.  Thank you for your continued support of the Flagstaff Blues & Brews Festival. Please join us for our 2021 festival and we can celebrategetting through this pandemic as stronger people!