Tag: Kevin Campbell

Registration continues for CCC&Y’s presentation of Kevin Campbell’s ‘Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation’ on Oct. 7

Registration continues for CCC&Y’s presentation of Kevin Campbell’s “Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation,” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present Kevin Campbell’s ‘Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation’ on Oct. 7

CCC&Y will present Kevin Campbell’s “Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation,” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.

“The starting point for Self -Healing Communities is the recognition of the connection between how we live individually and together. We have built social welfare and health systems on the ideas of needs and services. This approach located problems and solutions within individuals obscuring the need to address structural factors. Our “helping” systems often reflect this view, increasingly defining power imbalances as personal imbalances, resulting in the medicalizing of inequitable experience rather than organizing and supporting people to live socially, environmentally and economically secure lives without depending on systems.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — RSVP deadline is Oct. 13 for Kevin Campbell’s presentation on ‘Self-Healing Communities’ on Oct. 29 in Flagstaff

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Weekly Newsletter Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019 Connections Spotlight   RSVP deadline is Oct. 13 for Kevin Campbell’s presentation on ‘Self-Healing Communities’ on Oct. 29 in Flagstaff Ticket sales end on Sunday, Oct. 13…