Tag: Hispanic-Serving Institution

The NAU Review — In congressional testimony, President Cruz Rivera shares critical need for increased access to students from historically underserved communities 

In congressional testimony, President Cruz Rivera shares critical need for increased access to students from historically underserved communities 

In addition to laying out the attainment gaps throughout the U.S.—only 40 out of every 100 white kindergartners are expected to get a bachelor’s degree and that number drops by half for Black children and one-third for Latino and Native American children—Cruz Rivera, himself a product of Hispanic Serving Institutions, offered policy recommendations to increase economic mobility and equitable postsecondary educational value. These include doubling the maximum amount of Pell grants; investing equitably by increasing per-student investments among all Minority Serving Institutions; improving data transparency and investing in P-12 education.

NAU achieves status of Hispanic-Serving Institution

Northern Arizona University now meets U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) criteria and has earned recognition from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) as an HSI.

The designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution gives NAU greater access to grants, including Title V, which provides funds to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, Hispanic students. This designation denotes that a college or university’s Hispanic enrollment makes up at least 25 percent of its total enrollment and is a recognition of the diversity of its student population.