September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance Committee is seeking charitable organizations looking to participate in the annual 9/11 event in Page

PAGE — The September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance Committee is seeking charitable organizations looking to participate in the annual 9/11 event at John C. Page Memorial Park.

The events an annual tribute to the 9/11 victims, survivors and those who rose up in service in response to the attacks.

Thousands of people all around the nation will commit to a day of service on Monday, September 11th.

Members of our community have joined together to organize this year’s 9/11 National Day of Service. We are asking that you and your organization or your business join in our efforts.

We are challenging every member of our community to take the opportunity to serve an organization or person in our community. We have included ideas (see
attached) or you may choose someone that you see in our community that could use your help.

You can encourage individual acts of service or organize one large activity for your family, organization or business.

We will join together on Monday, September 11th, from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm to enjoy musical performances in the city park. Service Organizations in our community will have tables set up to share with the community information on how they serve our community. The evening will end with us singing a few patriotic hymns and a closing prayer of gratitude for the service done.

Please share with us anonymously what your service or donation was and place it in the box on the evening of September 11th or in a box that will be located at City Hall September 9th – 15th. Community donations and acts of service will be shared in the newspaper and with the National Day of service organization.

We would like to include any musical performance that you as an individual, a family, or group would love to share with us. Any service organization that would like to set up a table please join us! Please contact us so we can include you in the program.

Thank you, Page 9/11 National Day of Service Committee

Contact Debi Roundtree at 928-640-1933 or to participate.