Reminder of City of Flagstaff ordinance banning texting while driving and biking

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and Flagstaff Police Department want to remind the community of City Ordinance 9-01-001-0013 that was approved in July 2014 and prohibits texting or typing while driving a car or riding a bike.

Ordinance 9-01-001-0013 states that a person shall not operate a motor vehicle or bicycle on a street, sidewalk or trail while using a handheld wireless device to compose manually, send or read a written message for the purpose of non-voice interpersonal communication, including but not limited to texting, emailing and instant messaging, while the motor vehicle or bicycle is in motion.

“As Flagstaff grows, we see more and more cars, pedestrians, and cyclists in Flagstaff. Not texting or typing while driving a car or riding a bike is as important now as when the ordinance was passed in 2014,” said Councilmember Celia Barotz. “We know distracted driving is a big problem with the advent of handheld devices and smartphones. Please consider that your message can wait. Your life and the lives and safety of those around you is more important.”​

Any peace officer may stop a motor vehicle or bicycle if the officer has reasonable cause to believe a violation of this section is occurring. A violation of this section is a civil traffic violation. A person found to be in violation of this section and not involved in a motor vehicle or bicycle crash is subject to a civil penalty of $100 plus any other penalty assessment authorized by law. A person found to be in violation of this section and involved in a motor vehicle or bicycle crash is subject to a civil penalty of $250 plus any other penalty assessment authorized by law.