Oct. 19 — City of Flagstaff hosts open house on zoning and city code text amendments

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff’s Community Development Division is hosting a public open house on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 4 – 6 p.m. at City Hall (211 W Aspen Avenue) in the first-floor Council Conference Room. During the open house, City staff will discuss several proposed Zoning and City Code amendments and take feedback. This event is in-person only. Interested individuals who are unable to attend the meeting can view all information on the proposed text amendments online at flagstaff.az.gov/3000/Amendments.

The zoning and city code amendments that will be discussed include the following:

  • PZ-22-00223: Planned Residential Development – modify Zoning Code provisions in Chapter 10-30: General to All, Chapter 10-40 Specific to Zones, and Chapter 10-80 Definitions to update the Planned Residential Development standards, remove Cluster Dwelling standards, clarify open space and civic space requirements for private development, and update dwelling definitions.
  • PZ-23-00094: Property Care Standards – modify City Code Chapter 6-06 Littering and Chapter 6-07 Inoperable Vehicles and create new Chapter 7-06 Building and Property Care Standards and Chapter 7-11 Littering.
  • PZ-23-00130: Open Space Terminology – modify terminology throughout the Zoning Code to differentiate between amenity space required in private development versus preserved open space areas.
  • PZ-23-00135: Neighborhood & Regional Meeting Facilities – modify Section 10-40.60.230 Meeting Facilities, Public and Private to clarify the differences between neighborhood and regional scale facilities and create separate definitions for each use.
  • PZ-23-00136: Residential Uses in the Public Facility (PF) Zones – modify Table 10-40.60.060.B: Public and Open Space Zones – Allowed Uses to add Single-Family, Duplex and Multi-Family Dwellings as permitted uses subject to the High Density Residential (HR) zone development standards.
  • PZ-23-00137: Manufactured Home (MH) Zone Lot Standards – modify Table 10-40.30.030.C: Residential Zones – Building Form and Property Development Standards to change the minimum parcel size for the MH zone from 5 acres to 4,000 square feet as well as add minimum lot width and depth standards.

For more information, please contact City of Flagstaff Zoning Code Manager Tiffany Antol at 928-213-2605 ortantol@flagstaffaz.gov.