NAU News — NAU astronomer on team that confirms orbit of most distant object ever observed in our solar system

Northern Arizona University News
Planet Farfarout NAU astronomer on team that confirms orbit of most distant object ever observed in our solar system
A team of scientists, including Chad Trujillo of the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, has collected enough observations to determine the planetoid’s orbit based on its slow motion across the sky.
Nursing Students NAU-Yuma nursing students put skills to work in community COVID-19 vaccination clinics
The nursing students, who volunteered for the clinics, said the experience helped them grow as nurses and also gave them the chance to lessen the workload of health care providers in Yuma.
Resuable bag A Tote-Ally revolution: How an NAU student is helping a local nonprofit change the way Flagstaff residents use bags
As single-use plastics threaten the environment, student Rikayla Scholl is determined to do something about it. With help from The Azulita Project, she launched Tote-Ally—a program that provides community members free reusable bags to use and return.
student on laptop NAU researchers study long-term implications of changing telehealth regulations for substance use treatment during COVID-19 pandemic
Emery Eaves, Robert T. Trotter II, Eck Doerry and Julie Baldwin received a federal grant to study the effectiveness of telemedicine in treating people with substance abuse disorders.
Grand Canyon Historical Society opens research applications for $2,000 grant
Registration open for second annual Technology Summit, sponsored by HR and ITS
Spotlight: RANKING: Northern Arizona University NAU Foundation Edith Copley Jiun-Yi Tsai Christopher Scherpereel Brian Boyd Chris Mahler and NAU Dining Services Peter Fulé Ira Allen and Sean Parson Ty Robinson
Student Spotlight: Armando Maldonado, Anthony Ojeda, Cameron Baird, Charlie Register, Jacob Dunn,Tristan Clark, Angela Esparza, Arianna Charles, Daniel Otradovec, Dee Cichocki, Elijah Contreras, Shaun McClure, Tanner Hunt, Brieanna Jacobson, Graiden Kreger, Parker Braaten, Remington Brown, Ryan Broyles and faculty advisers Agnes Drogi, Alan Francis and Kaikea Kaoni Ayden Pulido, Dalton Arford, Shelby Lax, Michael Quast, Austin Adams and faculty adviser David Weber Paige Maling and Taryn Benham Khiarica Rasheed Nico Young and Taryn O’Neil Victoria Knapp Luis Aguilar, DJ Arnson and Brandon Porter
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