March 31 — NAU’s virtual presentation ‘Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez’ with guest speaker Andres P. Chavez

Northern Arizona University Office of Inclusion: Multicultural and LGBTQIA Student Services to hold virtual presentation ‘Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez’ with guest speaker Andres P. Chavez from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 31.

Andres will discuss his role in the Chavez Foundation and legacy of his grandfather.

Raised in the farm worker movement founded by his grandfather, Cesar Chavez, Andres grew up greeting visitors, taking them on tours, and sharing his grandfather’s history, as well as participating in countless marches, rallies, picket lines, demonstrations, and political campaigns.

Andres graduated magna cum laude from California State Andres P. Chavez University, Bakersfeld in 2016, with a B.A. degree in Public Policy and Administration. As director of strategic initiatives with the Cesar Chavez Foundation, Andres Chavez, 27, moves new foundation initiatives and projects forward, assisting its four funds: Communications, Housing and Economic Development, Education, and the National Chavez Center.

Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, March 30. To reserve your admittance to the event, email including the attendee’s name, event title, and NAU email address (if applicable). Login credentials will be provided the day of the event.