Lucinda Andreani appointed Deputy County Manager

Lucinda Andreani. Courtesy photo

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County Manager Jimmy Jayne appointed, and the Board of Supervisors confirmed, Lucinda Andreani as Deputy County Manager

Andreani, who has served as Interim County Manager since January 2018, will also remain Director of Public Works, a position she has held since January 2017.

As Deputy County Manager, Andreani will oversee several County’s departments as well serving as a leader of the County’s organizational renewal process, diversity and inclusion and transformational leadership efforts. The organizational renewal efforts are aimed to attract and retain team members who excel at serving the County’s constituents. She will also continue to manage the Flood Control District and the County’s Forest Restoration Initiative.

“We’re very excited to have Lucinda join the leadership team as Deputy County Manager,” said County Manager Jayne. “She has been an invaluable part of the County team and dedicated to our communities. As Coconino County enters a new season, Lucinda’s leadership will be instrumental in the County’s organizational renewal process where her wisdom, team-building skills and partnership will be crucial to help guide us through this process.”

Along with Public Works, Andreani will also supervise County departments including Community Development, Emergency Management, Parks & Recreation and Community Services.

Andreani has been serving Coconino County in various leadership positions for the past 13 years. She led the County’s efforts to mitigate the severe impacts of the 2010 Schultz fire and ensuing floods and was a key contributor to voter education efforts for both the increase in the Jail District’s sales tax in 2006 and the Road Maintenance Sales Tax, Prop. 403 in 2014, both of which passed with strong voter support.

“I am excited about joining the County’s leadership team, and in particular to be supporting our team members so they can deliver high quality services to our communities,” said Andreani. “I’ve worked on a number of critical initiatives while working here at the County and none compares with the need to restore our forests to reduce the greatest public safety threat – wildfires and post-wildfire flooding.”

Andreani has a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with an Emphasis in Environmental Policy from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. Prior to joining the County, she was a leader in the energy industry working with a major utility and an energy corporation and, with her own consulting business, served large energy users across the country.

She currently represents the County in an advisory role with the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization and Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority.