KNAU update for Feb. 16

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KNAU Insider prEview – February 16th, 2018
This Insider PrEview Is Brought To You By:
Of Northern Arizona
Brain Food: Exercise and Gut Bacteria
Regular exercise is good for a lot of things: strengthening muscles, decreasing body fat, even helping us sleep better. Now, new research shows it’s also good for the trillions of micro-organisms in our intestines, which have a profound effect on other systems in our bodies. Learn more at

Earth Notes: Plant Galls
Lots of plants bear strange-looking swellings on their leaves and stems. These wart-like growths are called galls, and they’re the direct result of mites and insects injecting chemicals into the plant’s tissue during rapid cell division. Learn more at

Navajo Officials Urge Withdrawal of Federal Bears Ears Bill

Navajo President Russell Begaye is urging a Utah Congressman to withdraw a bill to officially shrink Bears Ears National Monument. Tribal officials say the legislation threatens a culturally and religiously sensitive area. Learn more at

Arizona Lifts Ban on Drinking Recycled Water

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has lifted a statewide ban on recycling wastewater for drinking. Flagstaff city officials say the new rule opens up more options for the future. Learn more at

Arizona Senate Panel Votes To Freeze Minimum Wage Hikes
An Arizona Senate committee has approved a proposal that would ask voters to roll back a minimum wage initiative they approved in 2016. Learn more at