KNAU update for April 27

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KNAU Insider prEview – April 27th, 2018
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Rattlesnake Fire Grows to 21,000 Acres in the White Mountains
The Rattlesnake Fire burning in a remote area of the White Mountains has reached nearly 21,000 acres and is 32 percent contained. Learn more at and at Inciweb.

Earth Notes: White-Nose Fungus

One-quarter of all mammal species are bats-and they’re a prominent feature of night skies across North America. But a devastating disease has swept westward across the country since 2006, causing bat numbers to decline drastically. Learn more at

Navajo Nation Marks 150th Anniversary of Return to Homeland

It was 150 years ago that Navajo leaders and the U.S. government signed a treaty allowing tribal members to return to their homeland in the American Southwest. Learn more at

Brain Food: Lowell Astronomers Discover a Rare Runaway Star
Astronomers at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff have discovered a rare runaway star: a yellow supergiant. It’s the first time humans have ever observed one as it’s speeding through its galaxy at 300,000 miles per hour. Learn more at

Fire Restrictions to Take Effect Across Northern and Central Arizona
Fire restrictions are continuing to go into effect across Arizona as the entire Southwest contends with historically dry conditions and increased wildfire danger. Learn more at