Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3) Voter Guide to State and Local Propositions is Now Available!

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F3’s 2024 Voter Guide to State and Local Propositions 2024
is Now Available
F3 has closely examined the 16 propositions that will appear on Flagstaff’s General Election ballot this fall. This includes 13 State, one County, and two City propositions.

Below is the visual summary of F3’s recommendations.

An explanation of each of the propositions and the reasoning for our recommendations can be found by clicking on the image below or by going to our website.

65% of our support comes from memberships. Please join today at a level that suits your situation to help us continue our work.
We are Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3). We’re a local, community-supported nonprofit with a goal to educate and advocate for policies and decisions that will lead Flagstaff towards a more sustainable, resilient, & just community.

We seek accountability and transparency from our local leaders through meeting with city staff, council members, and community organizations, following and participating in local and regional planning, and communicating what we learn to our members and the public.

We encourage you to join F3 ‘s 400+ members if you’re not yet a member. We gain strength with more members. Help F3 do important work in the Flagstaff community!

Information about our Executive Director and Board of Directors can be found here.

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