Flagstaff High School celebrates its 2024 Hispanic Convocation

Proud family members take photos of their youth at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School. Photos by Ruth and Richard Eaton.

FLAGSTAFF — Nearly 80 students were recognized at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation held at Flagstaff High School on May 8, 2024.

The event included the introduction by Principal Libby Miller, the welcoming address by Ruby Sanchez Ramirez and the keynote address by Daniela Tirado Barva.

The Presentation of Students ceremony included Miller, Assistant Principal Frank Alvillar, Assistant Principal Matt Barquin and Athletic Director Jeannine Brandel.

Also see: 

Flagstaff High School Facebook 2024 Hispanic Convocation photos


Daniela Tirado Barva provided the Keynote Address at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.

Ruby Sanchez Ramirez provided the Welcoming Address at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.

Students take the stage for a group shot at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.

Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) Superintendent Michael A. Penca enjoyed the presentations at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.

Participants get ready to enjoy the reception at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.

Susan Mendez, left, and former teacher Sarah Cromer enjoy the festivities at the 2024 Hispanic Convocation at Flagstaff High School.