District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta — Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas, District 2!

December 18, 2020
Coconino County Government
Supervisor, District 2
Special Edition
A Message from Supervisor Archuleta
Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas, District 2!
I want to thank you all for your continued support during this not-so-normal year. I know that 2020 threw us all a curveball, but I am grateful to each of you for doing your part in keeping our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for your community spirit during this time.
As we move forward this holiday season, I want to wish you and your family’s a happy holiday! May each of you stay safe, create new memories, and find peace as we move into the New Year.
This will be the last newsletter of the year, however, you can continue to find information from the County and about COVID-19 on our website at https://coconino.az.gov OR by following us on social media here: www.facebook.com/CoconinoCounty.
In Community,
Supervisor Liz Archuleta
Quote of the Day
Coconino County Prepares to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
The Coconino County COVID-19 Response Team is planning for the arrival of the first COVID-19 vaccine shipment, expected to be delivered in late December. The vaccine roll out in Coconino County is anticipated to begin in early January.
On December 11, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the first emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The Moderna application for EUA for its COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be reviewed soon.
The vaccine will be distributed following a prioritization process established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS).
Because initial vaccine supplies will be limited, the CDC and ADHS has determined that vaccine will be provided to specifically defined groups in Phases. The first phase (Phase 1) will have three components (a, b, c). Phase 1a will be the first group of individuals vaccinated, which includes healthcare personnel and long term care facility residents.
Healthcare Personnel is defined as those working in the following healthcare settings:
  • Hospitals
  • Long Term Care Facilities
  • Homes for adults with developmental disabilities
  • Outpatient
  • Home Health Care
  • Pharmacies
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
  • Laboratories
  • Public Health
Healthcare workers include physicians, nurses, emergency medical personnel, dental professionals and students, medical and nursing students, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, hospital volunteers, administrative and support staff. EMS workers includes those who provide pre-hospital emergency care in the normal course of their work or their volunteer work.
Phase 1a vaccine eligibility information will be sent directly to employers in the defined groups. During Phase 1, the Coconino County vaccination site is not open to the public. Coordination through qualifying organizations is required. Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is working with employers to schedule vaccination appointments for Phase 1a recipients. Employers with qualifying Phase 1a employees can email covidvaccination@coconino.az.gov with questions.
Additional federal guidance for prioritization for vaccination beyond Phase 1a is anticipated in the coming weeks. Phase 1b is expected to include essential workers defined as employees in transportation, education and childcare providers, energy, water and wastewater, law enforcement, food and agriculture. Phase 1c is anticipated to include adults older than 65 and adults of any age who have high-risk medical conditions. While the outlined groups are anticipated to include these individuals mentioned, subsequent priority phases are not official until the CDC adopts the Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP) recommendation.
 “The FDA’s approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for adults 16 and older is a major milestone toward ending the pandemic. It is important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to us to help stop COVID-19, like covering your mouth and nose with a mask, washing hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from others. The combination of getting vaccinated and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19,” said Kim Musselman, Coconino County Health and Human Services Interim Director.
More information is available at www.coconino.az.gov/covid19vaccine.
Applicants sought from Coconino Community College District #3 for Governing Board Seat
Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tommy Lewis is seeking applicants for appointment for Coconino Community College District #3.
Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment. Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district.
Application information:
  • Download the application here http://www.coconino.az.gov/schoolboardapplication
  • Deadline to submit is December 29, 2020 by 5pm
  • Submit by email to kslack@coconino.az.gov (live signature original required)
  • Submit by fax to 928-526-1469 (live signature original required)
  • Mail or make an appointment to submit to: Coconino County School Superintendent, 2384 N Steves Blvd, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
An advisory committee may be assembled, consisting of district residents and a current board member to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Dr. Tommy Lewis on the appointments.
For more information, please call the Office of the Coconino County School Superintendent at 928-679-8070 or email: kslack@coconino.az.gov.
Get Tested for COVID-19!
NEW COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
As of December 18, 2020
Information as of 12/18/2020:
NEW COVID-19 Weekly Report Available
The Coconino County Health and Human Services has issued a new weekly report entitled COVID-19 Coconino County Weekly Update.
The report is updated weekly on FRIDAY and includes a COVID-19 situation summary, key takeaways, demographic and geographic information, hospitalizations and testing data related to Coconino County residents.
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