City of Flagstaff snow operations

Courtesy photo.

FLAGSTAFF — With significant snow forecast for northern Arizona in the coming days, the city of Flagstaff would like to provide information regarding snow operations.

The city’s Public Works division will deploy all available equipment and operators during the upcoming snow events. Snow operations will continue 24 hours a day through the winter event. First priority roadways for treatment are main arterials, major hills, downtown and school and transit routes. All other streets are considered second priority areas. To begin treating second priority roads, the first priority roadways must be completed and maintained throughout the snow event. Cinders are applied to major hills, signalized intersections, railroad crossings, shaded areas, problem areas and stop signed intersections. A map of the city which shows first and second priority streets can be found HERE

Plowing all 700 lane miles of the transportation network takes time and the city is requesting community patience, all areas will be plowed in the order listed above. The anticipated significant accumulation and duration of the upcoming snow events will likely lead to some delay working into the neighborhoods until later in the storm event. All available resources will be devoted to snow operations during the entire week of Jan. 25, 2021.

The city requests that no one parks on the streets in compliance with the Winter Parking Ordinance. There is no parking on city streets or alleyways from midnight to 7 a.m. from Nov. 1 to April 1. Compliance with the ordinance allows our Streets Section crews to thoroughly plow streets for your safe travel and aids street sweepers in the removal of cinders following a snowstorm.

Additional snow and ice operations information is available on the City of Flagstaff website at