City of Flagstaff seeks input on draft Carbon Neutrality Plan

FLAGSTAFF — The city of Flagstaff is striving for community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030, to respond to the climate emergency and improve quality of life for all residents. With input from the Flagstaff community and technical experts, the city of Flagstaff Sustainability Program developed a draft Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan to outline a framework for action over the next nine years. This plan details seven target areas of action that the city will take to reach carbon neutrality:

  • ·       Clean electricity
  • ·       Reduced building energy demand
  • ·       Building fuel switching
  • ·       Decreased dependence on vehicles
  • ·       Electric mobility
  • ·       Sustainable consumption and waste management
  • ·       Carbon dioxide removal

The Sustainability Program requests community feedback on the recommended actions in the Carbon Neutrality Plan. Provide feedback via the Flagstaff Community Forum by April 20, 2021 in order to have your responses considered in the final Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan:

The final Carbon Neutrality Plan will be presented to City Council for formal adoption on May 18, 2021.

If you have any questions about the Carbon Neutrality Plan or this feedback opportunity, please contact Jillian Goulet at