City of Flagstaff declares State of Emergency for COVID-19 response

FLAGSTAFF — The city of Flagstaff has declared a State of Emergency due to the impacts of COVID-19. The Declaration allows the city to seek resources and recovery assistance.

The city recognizes the necessity of precautionary measures due to the widespread nature of the threat posed to public health and safety of our community as referenced in the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency

“The economic impacts to our small businesses and our tourism industry, which is the backbone of our economy are severe,” said Mayor Coral Evans. “We are working closely with Coconino County Health and Human Services who under state law is delegated the authority over public health matters on our local response to monitor this situation and ensure the safety and well-being of our community.”

The city continues to plan and prepare for event and facility closures, modified staffing plans and work-from-home programs. More details on these plans are forthcoming.

Citizens are urged to cooperate with this emergency declaration and to every degree possible, abide by the safety announcements, advisories and restrictions established by County, State and Federal authorities.