City of Flagstaff and NAU VisualDESIGN Lab partnering on new City logo

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and the NAU VisualDESIGN Lab will partner to redesign the City of Flagstaff’s logo. The NAU VisualDESIGN Lab will conduct the design work, with leadership from Professor Patricia Murphey, while the City will convene a small working group to provide guidance and oversight.

The NAU VisualDESIGN Lab is a collaborative learning space where students in the NAU Visual Communication program work with community members as active partners on innovative design solutions that help bring brand awareness to local non-profits and university organizations. It has a proven history of creating recognized and lasting logos for many prevalent organizations in Flagstaff, including Coconino County, Flagstaff Festival of Science, and Flagstaff Shelter Services.

The working group convened by the City will meet regularly to review concepts from the design team and to receive input from the public. The group will consist of five volunteers from existing City commissions and committees, which will be chosen according to the following criteria:

  • They will be diverse and represent different perspectives of the community
  • They are able to advocate for an appropriate depiction of Flagstaff’s history and culture
  • They will possesses the expertise to guide the design team towards a product that is beautiful

Vice Mayor Austin Aslan expressed his support for the initiative, saying “this conversation is definitely overdue. A hard look at our city branding has long fallen to the wayside or been relegated to the back burner. It’s a part of the story we tell. It’s a part of how we represent ourselves and I think it’s a fabulous roadmap we have forward with this project.”

This project is expected to take approximately a year to complete, and the final design will be recommended by the working group for approval from City Council. Thanks to the time volunteered by members of the NAU VisualDESIGN Lab and the City’s working group, this project will be completed at no cost to the City.

For related questions or inquiries, please contact Chris Rhode, City of Flagstaff Management Analyst, at or 928-213-2078. Additional information can also be found at