Citizens invited to collaborate on Regional Plan Amendment

City of FlagstaffFLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff’s Comprehensive Planning program has opened a public review of proposed changes to the chapter of the Flagstaff Regional Plan that describes process for amendments. In addition to sending comments to the City through traditional methods, the City is offering a new way for residents to collaborate on the Flagstaff Community Forum, using the new Digital Commenter. The Digital Commenter allows you to post your comments on specific portions of the plan and respond to comments from other citizens. “The Regional Plan was always intended to be a living document.” says Sara Dechter, “We are excited to have an active and engaging dialogue online with people interested in making the Plan better.”

The proposed amendment addresses missing information and unclear language in Chapter 3 of the Regional Plan. The distinction between major and minor plan amendments is important because they impact how much notice and public involvement is required, and the costs and timelines for applications. A major plan amendment requires an additional year of public involvement and a separate application that deals only with the Regional Plan, and not with issues of rezoning or annexation. Major plan amendments require that projects adhere to a strict annual timeline, conduct an additional public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission, hold a 60 day public review, and notify of utilities, school districts, and government agencies. These steps are not required for a minor plan amendment, which can be considered along with the application for rezoning or annexation, and requires only one hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The City will also host an Open House on the proposed plan amendment on Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at City Hall. The review of the proposed amendment is open through Friday, April 15, 2016. You can contact Sara Dechter, Comprehensive Planning Manager at 928-213-2631 or with your questions and comments.

For more project information, please visit To provide comments through the Digital Commenter topic on the Flagstaff Community Forum, visit