Coconino County Recorder’s Office Offers Recording Notification Alerts

COCONINO COUNTYCoconino County Recorder’s office is offering a new service called Recording Notification Alerts.  Recording Notification Alerts is a free service for the benefit of all who own property or businesses in Coconino County.  It monitors documents recorded with the County Recorder’s office and alerts subscribers. This program will notify participating subscribers by email when a document is recorded with a name and/or business that matches the subscriber. This service applies only to documents recorded after signing up. Users will also be able to unsubscribe or make updates to this service at any time.

“We are pleased to offer this new service to people that record documents with our office. People who are concerned about potential deception through fraudulent recordings in Coconino County should sign up for this program,” said County Recorder Patty Hansen.

To sign up for the new service go to: