Theatrikos Theatre Company — 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche. Wednesday films

Charming comedy 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche
After a three-year pandemic induced absence, 5 Lesbians marks the return of Theatrikos’ smaller scale, grittier Studio Series shows.
Winner of the NYC International Fringe Festival
“Beneath the innuendo and hysteria of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche lies a touching story of sisterhood, self-acceptance, and strength in the face of adversity,” said director Michael Rulon.
The motto is, “No men, no meat, all manners.” It’s a comedy, it’s a farce, it’s a cult classic. It’s a quiche-devouring, soul-searching, delightful commentary on sisterhood, self-expression, and sexual liberation.
5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche features five women assembled in a church basement for the 1956 annual meeting of the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein’s annual quiche breakfast, a highly anticipated event. However, the gathering is thrown into an uproar when an atomic bomb alarm sounds and the Sisters must confront the doomsday possibility that they may be the only people left on earth.
“The play shows us how challenges humankind faces today are not much different from those we were facing 60 years ago,” observes actor Lily Bartholomew. “It also reminds us that a little laughter (or a lot) and good friends make even the toughest of times and scariest of situations feel surmountable.”
“Who doesn’t love quiche?”, asks actor Tracy Perrine. “This play is hilarious, refreshing and promotes an inclusive message, while being intensely absurd and funny.”
5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche runs June 9—25 in Flagstaff and July 2 in Sedona.
Wednesday Films from Sedona International Film Festival
Wednesday Films
Presented by Sedona International Film Festival
at Theatrikos
·      Daliland
o  Wednesday, June 14
o  7:30 pm
·      Darling Companion
o  Wednesday, June 28
o  7:30 pm
Daliland stars Academy Award-winner Sir Ben Kingsley as the titular Salvador Dalí, one of the most world-renowned artists of the 20thcentury and focusing on the later years of the strange and fascinating marriage between Dalí and his wife,
Darling Companion is a comedy about many varieties of companionship. At the center of the movie is a marriage that has gone on for a long time and become frayed. Surrounding that union are young people falling in love, a brand-new marriage and the surprise of mid-life romance. Oh, and there’s a dog.
From the 5 Lesbians Cast
“Come for the lesbians, stay for the quiche! Five of your soon-to-be favorite lesbians will take you on a journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and comedy during their annual quiche breakfast.”
—actor Joseph Wright.
Theatrikos Theatre Company
928 774 1662