Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Communications Issue #30: F3 Supports a Public Vote on Council’s NAH Decision

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Communication Issue #30, June 14, 2023
F3 Supports a Public Vote on Council’s NAH Decision: Referendum Signatures Needed
In the wake of City Council’s June 6 decision to approve the Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH) request for rezoning 98 acres to allow for a new hospital north of Ft. Tuthill, F3 has decided to support the work of the Flagstaff Community First (FCF) PAC to gather signatures for a referendum to allow Flagstaff residents to vote on this decision. A referendum is a way for voters to override a legislative decision at the state or city level and is a critically important part of the democratic process.
In order to get this important referendum on the ballot, 2,607 valid signatures from registered Flagstaff voters must be gathered with 30 days of the certification of the Council’s decision (by July 6). FCF has a goal of collecting twice that number of signatures.
F3 is supporting the gathering of signatures for this referendum because we believe a decision of this magnitude ought to be in the hands of the voting public. Important questions about how the Flagstaff community will be impacted by the hospital moving out of the core of our city remain unanswered. A referendum vote could provide additional time for NAH and the city to find the answers to these questions.
Council did not ask for an explanation about why the existing hospital could not be renovated, nor why NAH dropped their own 2018 Specific Plan that outlined significantly improving the existing campus for less than half the cost of building this new hospital. Council did not explain the full financial impacts to the Flagstaff taxpayer of this project and associated infrastructure, where this money would come from, nor how this would affect funding for other important city budget items.
Neither NAH nor Council supported the need for a community impact study to fully disclose the effects of moving the hospital on the medical businesses located near the current hospital, nor downtown businesses. Council did not require the completion of a community-focused plan for the vacated hospital campus prior to making their rezoning decision, nor did they impose a deadline for this plan to be completed.
F3 found the lack of transparency exhibited by Council at the June 6 meeting very troubling when reference was made to their decision being justified based on information not shared with the public. Additionally, Council did not address the many concerns of the public and painted those who asked questions and/or wanted additional information as “against” NAH and healthcare in our community, a terrible false dichotomy.
Healthcare is integral to a strong community and F3 believes strongly in the need for quality healthcare in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona.
Your help is requested in signing the petition and gathering signatures from your Flagstaff friends, family, and neighbors. See below for details about how you can help with the effort to put the rezoning question to a public vote.
Please contact me if you have questions about this decision or the referendum.

Michele A. James

Executive Director

Sign the Referendum Petition 

Volunteers with petitions and clipboards will be collecting signatures at various locations throughout Flagstaff:

Sundays 8 am – noon at the Flagstaff Farmer’s Market next to City Hall (look for tables on Aspen Avenue – outside of and just east of the Market itself).

Concerts in the Park, 5:30 Wednesday nights at various locations in Flagstaff. More information here:

Look for signature gathers at other public spaces & events!

Help Collect Petition Signatures

Send an email to Flagstaff Community First by clicking “volunteer” at this webpage:

F3 members: Send an email to F3 and provide your name and phone number. We will contact you to arrange getting you petitions.

Donate to FCF’s Signature Gathering Effort!

It’s expensive to hire a lawyer, pay for hundreds of copies, clipboards, and paid signature gatherers. It’s easy to donate. Click on the “donate” button on the FCF website:

Please Support Friends of Flagstaff’s Future
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We are Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3). We’re a local, community-supported nonprofit with a goal to educate and advocate for policies and decisions that will lead Flagstaff towards a more sustainable, resilient, & just community.

We seek accountability and transparency from our local leaders through meeting with city staff, council members, and community organizations, following and participating in local and regional planning, and communicating what we learn to our members and the public.

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