City of Flagstaff Updating Historic Preservation Grant and Application Materials

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FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff, in consultation with the City’s Heritage Preservation Commission, has updated the guidelines for the Historic Signs & Facades Grant Program and Heritage Preservation application materials.

The new guidelines, which go into effect on June 6, 2023, establish a two-tier funding level system for projects that rehabilitate, restore, or preserve Flagstaff’s heritage sites, buildings, structures, and objects. Level 1 projects, which follow the grant programs existing guidelines, are eligible for up to $10,000 in matching funds. A new, Level 2 funding category allows projects to receive up to $20,000 in matching funds when the associated property is eligible for listing on the National Register and when the work being done meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Rehabilitation.

The new grant guidelines can be found on the City of Flagstaff Website here:

The Heritage Preservation Master application, which previously covered applications for Certificates in Historic Overlays, Cultural Resource Studies, and Historic Sign and Signs grants has been revised and split into three sperate applications. The new applications offer clearer instructions and a more streamlined approach for the public to submit items for Heritage Preservation review.

The new applications can be accessed at the following links.

Application for Certificates:

Application for Cultural Resource Studies:

Application for Historic Facades and Signs Grants: