Theatrikos May Newsletter: Powerful and Poignant Dance Nation Opens May 19

Poignant and Thought-Provoking Dance Nation runs May 19—June 4
May 2023
Moving and Poignant Dance Nation Opens May 19
In Dance Nation, an army of competitive dancers navigates ambition, friendship and desire as they plot to take over the world. Our pre-teen heroines, played by a multi-generational cast of women, know that every plié is a step toward finding themselves and unleashing their power. This show, by Clare Barron, was a 2019 Pulitzer Prize Finalist.
“What a joy and privilege it is to bring a gorgeous play like Dance Nation to Theatrikos and our community. This poignant piece is about everything plaguing young people today and will be a moving and thought-provoking experience for audience members,” said director Nichole Katz. “My hope is that we leave our audiences inspired and motivated to create a better world so that we can all feel like we belong and that we are enough, just as we are.”
It should be noted that this play contains strong sexual themes, language and images and may be offensive to sensitive theatre goers. Please use discretion when choosing this performance. May not be suitable for audience members under 15 years of age.
“This is going to be one beautiful, intense, amazing show! Being a part of it has been a life-changing experience,” said actor Amelia Swann (pictured on right). Fellow actor Sade Hairston says, “The audience will like this show because it breaks the boundaries that society has put around young women/feminine individuals. It doesn’t fail to showcase the rawness that comes with natural human experiences.”
Dance Nation runs May 19 to June 4, 2023
“I love live theater and I’m so glad that there is a venue in Flagstaff!”
—Kelly Regan, Patron, Sedona
After a pandemic-induced three year hiatus, the cutting-edge Studio Series returns to Theatrikos
Auditions May 21 and 22
We’re having auditions for Lend Me A Tenor, a 9-time Tony Award nominated side-splitting classic farce. Madcap setups, mistaken identities, room swaps, hilarious misunderstandings, bawdy overtones and quirky characters make this gloriously fun. This is not a musical. Although there is a little bit of singing in a few roles. Auditions are May 21 and 22.
Theatrikos Relaunches Studio Series Shows
After a three-year pandemic induced absence, Theatrikos is bringing back our Studio Series shows. Studio Series are smaller scale, amazing, sometimes gritty, frequently inspiring, cutting-edge shows. 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche is all this and more. Hold on to your quiches! It’s 1956 and the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their annual quiche breakfast. A tasty recipe of hysterical laughs, sexual innuendos, unsuccessful repressions and delicious discoveries. Performances are June 9 to July 2 at Theatrikos, Montoya Center, and Mary Fisher Theatre in Sedona.
Flagstaff’s new arts festival debuts it’s pilot event—a test run for 2024. Numerous arts events are taking place all around the city. At Theatrikos: Dance Nation, Sedona International Film Festival, Dance Vibrations and Pop Goes the Ferret!. ARTx is May 25-27.
Pop Goes the Ferret!
Despite being declared extinct (twice!), the black-footed ferret is making a comeback just outside of Seligman, Arizona. This weasel-laden rock opera slinks across the stage through original songs, puppetry, and multimedia. The developmental theatrical debut of Pop Goes the Ferret!, for ages 16+, is also the debut of Theatrikos’ new black box performance space. Part of ARTx. Friday, May 26 at 2 pm and Saturday, May 27 at 10 am.
Art, Brains and Dance
Gallery Artist
“By observing the details in everyday surroundings, I find a wealth of ideas: from the smallest of sweet peas on my garden trellis to the rhythm of color across the Arizona landscapes,” says gallery artist Catherine Sickafoose. Her work, in which you’ll find many scenes from Flagstaff and Northern Arizona, is in art collections around the world. Her display in Theatrikos gallery is now through June 4.
Your Brain on Art
“Children who engage in the arts are better learners,” says Ivy Ross, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Your Brain on Art, in an interview on NPR. “Students with access to art education are five times less likely to drop out of school and four times more likely to be recognized with high achievement.”
Dance Vibrations
As part of ARTx, an hour of dance entertainment that will forever be in your memories. Six dance groups include Glitter Line Dance Troupe (with the amazing Annette Fallaha), swing dance couple, salsa dancers, Flagstaff dancers On Tap, Tango Dance Group and Rueda en la Montana. Dance Vibrationsperforms Saturday, May 27 at 2 pm.
The Growing Pains of 13 Year Olds
Dance Nation is the story of a preteen dance squad aiming for the greatness of a championship, but it’s much weirder and darker than that sounds. What does it mean to be on the cusp of becoming a teenager? Especially if you’re a girl? It’s intense, it’s exciting, and it’s terrifying. Be prepared for a wild ride and a surreal trip down memory lane.
According to the playwright, Clare Barron, “I feel like we still live in a world where we want women’s bodies to be invisible….I’m really interested in making work about the female body and I’m continually astounded by how uncomfortable that makes people.” The roles of the girls are played by women of all ages. Actor Susan Chastain reflects, “I think if we all look back, we would pick 13 as the age we would never want to relive! In Dance Nation, the audience will have a chance to look back on some of those moments—to remember the shock of going through puberty, the discovery of one’s body, the lovely wickedness of using ‘unacceptable’ words, and the joy and pain of those young friendships.”
“Dance Nation is a powerful and thought-provoking play that offers insight into the lives of young girls as they navigate their way through the challenges of adolescence and the competitive world of dance. The audience will come away with a deeper understanding of the issues facing young people today and the importance of empathy, understanding, and support in helping them to achieve their goals,” says actor Julie Espisito.
“This play has been life-changing and I’m learning to dance! The audience is going to experience an entertaining, powerful, and beautiful show,” says actor Linda Sutera. Actor Karly Moyers says, “The last scene is real gutsy, and it’s the best part of the show. When the whole cast comes together, it’s absolutely electrifying and deeply moving.”
This exciting play runs May 19—June 4.
Theatrikos Theatre Company
928 774 1662