Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Sept. 13-17, 2021

Grand Canyon National Park
Key Messages – Week of September 13, 2021
Executive Order Information
On September 9, President Biden issued new Federal COVID vaccine guidance by Executive Order. While we don’t yet know the specifics of implementation, we do know that all federal employees, contractors and partners will be required to be vaccinated. According to the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, “Federal Executive Branch employees must be fully vaccinated, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to a reasonable accommodation. Agencies must work expeditiously so that their employees are fully vaccinated as quickly as possible and by no later than November 22, 2021.” The full document can be viewed here.
The purpose of this and related orders are to protect the American public, since COVID-19 continues to be spread in the US primarily by unvaccinated people, and because unfortunately, not enough people have been vaccinated to generate herd immunity to prevent the virus from mutating into new and more dangerous variants such as the Delta variant.
Specific guidance will be coming out soon on implementation of the vaccination requirement.
Message from Superintendent Ed Keable to NPS Employees on new Executive Order
I know that not everyone wants to be vaccinated. I understand that there are some employees and contractors who are angry about being forced to get vaccinated, perhaps even some here at Grand Canyon.
Everyone has a right to disagree with the appropriateness of an order for employees and contractors to get vaccinated and to share their views on this topic – you are welcome to reach out to your supervisor or other leaders in the park, or you can reach out to the Superintendent’s office directly at: We are also investigating ways that you can share concerns anonymously.
Leaders in the Department of Interior and the National Park Service have been doing our best to manage the pandemic in a legal manner.  I have shared my views with the Park Senior Executive Team (PSET) that, in my experience as the senior career lawyer in DOI advising the Secretary on legal matters, directives like these are not issued on a whim, and are carefully legally vetted to ensure they are legal actions.
While we are all individuals and have individual rights, we do not have the right, as federal employees, not to follow the law. As park employees and leaders working on behalf of the Department of Interior, we all have the responsibility to follow the law, and being vaccinated is now a part of our responsibility.
I also want to encourage supervisors who hear concerns from their employees to bring these concerns up at next week’s all supervisor meetings, so that we can understand the concerns as a leadership community.
Any employee who believes they have a medical or religious reason to seek an exception to the order to get vaccinated should talk to their supervisor, who will work with HR to assess the possibility for an exception. Absent a reasonable basis for an exception, employees who have not yet been vaccinated should take steps to get vaccinated.
COVID Case Updates
Case numbers in Arizona decreased this week to 2,578 new cases per day compared to last week’s average of 3,101. This is a positive sign and hopefully we will continue to see decreasing case numbers.
As of Tuesday, there have been a total of 240 cases in the 86023 zip code since the beginning of the pandemic.  There have been approximately 58 cases in the park since the beginning of the pandemic. This includes two park residents that tested positive this week who are currently isolating.
Grand Canyon leads the way in percentage of vaccinations for the community. We show 70.8% vaccinated, with only Page at 75.8% ahead of our success. For more specific information, see the Coconino County COVID-19 weekly update website.
Reporting exposure to COVID and COVID-like symptoms is critical to limiting transmission
  • If you think you may have been exposed to COVID, regardless of your vaccination status, immediately isolate and report your situation to your supervisor and Public Health Consultant Ronan King, and await their instructions.
  • Following this protocol and Ronan’s instructions is extremely important so that any community spread can be contained.
Public Health Contacts
If you test positive for COVID-19, immediately inform your supervisor and our NPS Public Health Consultant. This is to ensure proper public health protocols are followed and that any exposure is minimized.
  • Ronan King, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Public Health Service
  • Mobile: (202) 891-8599
  • Email:
  • For all email correspondence, please also cc: Chris Glime, Captain, U.S. Public Health Service
  • Mobile: (202) 641-3518
  • Email:
Clinic Updates
As of this week the clinic has administered 2,489 total COVID vaccine doses, with 1,285 people fully vaccinated by the clinic so far. There are no additional updates on the status of booster vaccines and when they may become available.
As a reminder, third doses for the Moderna vaccine are now available for those who have a documented immunocompromised condition. Patients should call the clinic to schedule an appointment and should be prepared to provide documentation of their condition.
The Clinic continues to provide COVID testing as well as vaccines for those not already vaccinated. For more information, please visit the Clinic’s website or call 928-638-2551 during regular business hours.
Messages and Grand Canyon News
Packraft Training Recap
Last week, from September 6-10, the Canyon District of Visitor and Resource Protection sponsored packrafting training courses at Lees Ferry. This training was last offered at Grand Canyon in 2017. More than 30 NPS staff from Science and Resource Management, Backcountry Information Center, Interpretation, Branch of Emergency Services, Tuweep, and all Law Enforcement districts participated in basic and advanced packrafting training.
Ranger Kate McHugh worked with the Swiftwater Safety Institute to train Grand Canyon staff to use packrafts as tools to complete their work, which ranges from backcountry patrols to accessing natural resources for science. Topics covered included hydrology, packraft paddling techniques, self-recovery, and packraft repair and safety.
Photo above: Packraft training participants at Lees Ferry (NPS Photo)
Elk Safety Reminder
Please remember that it is the time of year to be extra cautious around elk. We have already heard from our wildlife staff that there is at least one reported aggressive bull elk in the Grand Canyon Village area.
From August to early winter, male elk are in a period known as the rut. During this time, they become territorial and will attack if approached or threatened.
Please do not approach elk, stay a safe distance of 100 feet (30m) away, and never water or feed them for any reason.
Proposed Renaming of Indian Garden to Havasupai Gardens
Last week, Interpretation rangers Kate Pitts, Rader Lane and tribal liaison Mike Lyndon conducted a field visit to Indian Garden with a consultant from the Havasupai Tribe.
The Park has initiated a process to work collaboratively with the Havasupai Tribe on renaming the site to Havasupai Gardens and develop new interpretive information focused on the Tribe’s unique and important connection to that place.
For those not aware, soon after the park was established, NPS staff forcibly evicted Havasupai people living at the garden. The name change and new interpretation are a first step in repairing relationships with the Havasupai community that are still impacted by past NPS policies and actions.
GRCA will be working through the U.S. Board on Geographic Names on an official name change, and other federally recognized tribes have expressed their support and appreciation for this change.
Grand Canyon Celebration of Art Continues this Weekend!
25 renowned artists are on the South Rim throughout this week and will be painting at various locations.
On Friday, September 17, between 3 and 6 pm, the artists will be gathered between Verkamp’s Visitor Center and Thunderbird Lodge for an Artist’s Paint Out. This is a great time for locals and visitors to ask questions and engage with artists while they are creating their beautiful plein air paintings. Please practice physical distancing while observing the artists and respect their space. The completed paintings will be available for purchase on-site until 6 p.m.
On Sunday, September 19, the Celebration of Art Exhibition will open in Kolb Studio at 9 a.m. All available work will be for sale, with proceeds going towards a fund to establish a dedicated art venue and educational programming on the South Rim. The exhibit will be open to the public daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., through January 17, 2022.
Grand Canyon Music Festival
The last week of the Grand Canyon Music Festival is this week. Big news for the final week is the School of Rock, featuring our own musicians from the Grand Canyon School. If you can, come and support our local musicians by showing up to hear them on Friday, September 17 at 5 p.m. at the McKee Amphitheater (behind the park headquarters).
The Festival concludes Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. with the final concert of the 38th season featuring Cenovia Cummins, Joe Dennizon, Steve Benson, Robert Bonfliglio and Clare Hoffman with an evening entitled “Friends Old and New”.
Current Operational Hours
South Rim
  • Maswik Lodge Cafeteria: 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Bright Angel Fountain and Coffee House, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Yavapai Lodge Tavern and Patio, 12-10 p.m.
  • Yavapai Lodge Coffee Shop, 6 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Canyon Village Market, 7 a.m.-8 p.m., Deli-7 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Bright Angel Bikes, Rentals: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Cafe: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Kolb Studio: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
  • Grand Canyon Visitor Center information table: 8a.m.-5p.m.
Desert View
  • Desert View Trading Post Coffee and Ice Cream and Market, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily
  • Desert View Watchtower, staffed by GCC Saturday-Wednesday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The Watchtower will be closed to the public on Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Desert View Information Table (staffed by NPS), 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. The table is located on the north side of the main parking lot, in front of the building on the left side of the Orientation Plaza.
  • Desert View Campground is open. Reservations can be made via
North Rim
  • General Store, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily
  • Roaring Springs Overlook Kiosk, NPS staffed from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. daily
  • North Rim Visitor Center, GCC staffed from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • North Rim Lodge dining, 4:30-9:30 p.m. daily
  • Deli in the Pines, 6 a.m.-7:30 p.m. daily
  • Rough Rider Saloon, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. daily
The following park closures remain in place:
  • South Rim Visitor Center (indoors), information table staffed 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. daily
  • Headquarters Information Desk
  • Yavapai Lodge Restaurant
  • Maswik Pizza Pub, Arizona Steak House, and Fred Harvey Burger
Please visit the Grand Canyon National Park website for a complete list of closures and available amenities.