KNAU update for March 1 — Possible Solar Outages

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KNAU Insider prEview – March 1st, 2019
Possible Solar Outages

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. How many radio engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: Only one because the rest are dealing with solar satellite interference. With early March comes a pesky annual problem when the sun makes satellite reception impossible for a few minutes each day.

Our satellite dish antenna is aimed at the NPR satellite parked over the equator in geosynchronous orbit, meaning it appears fixed in space. But next week, as the sun crosses directly behind the satellite, we are blinded with thermal noise for a minute or two. This interference peaks at about 11:40am with peak days Wednesday and Thursday. We may get lucky this year because we’re using a larger more powerful antenna which should minimize the problem. But even if our programming here in Flagstaff is unaffected, areas served by our KNAU regional satellite network (Page, Prescott, Grand Canyon) will still be knocked out temporarily. Thanks for your patience. Learn more about the phenomenon here.

Earth Notes: Fossil Trackways
Grand Canyon has been a national park for a century-but we’re still learning its many secrets. Recently, a rock fall revealed the oldest fossilized tracks ever recorded in the Canyon. They’re the footprints of a reptilian creature that walked through wet sand 310 million years ago. Learn more at

Not Your Playground’: Indigenous Voices on Grand Canyon’s Centennial
One hundred years ago today, Americans celebrated protecting the Grand Canyon as a national park. But for Native Americans, the redrawn boundaries excluded them from ancient hunting grounds and ceremonial places. Many visitors today don’t know that history. Learn more at
From Hot Cot to Historic Home, Jerome’s Little Daisy Hotel is Up for Sale

Jerome’s Little Daisy Hotel turned 100 years old on New Year’s Eve. It housed miners in the town’s heyday, then sat vacant for decades after the mines closed. Now, after a 20-year remodel, the Little Daisy is a 12,000 square-foot home, and it’s up for sale with a $6.2 million price-tag. Learn more at

When Kids Ask (Really) Tough Questions: A Quick Guide

Anyone with kids in their life knows what it’s like to be surprised by a tough question. It can come at any time, often when you least expect it: at breakfast, at bedtime or from the back seat. Learn more at NPR’s special series blog, Life Kit.